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the great hall doors swing open. in comes a bouncy girl with black braids, a little purple thrown in here and there, and a slouched blonde. "marvelous of you to join us." ms. mcgonagall speaks, sarcasm laid thick. "apologies ms mc-g!" the girl with black hair pleads happily. a light tone of giggling is set in the room from the nickname. the blonde groans, and they both take a seat at the slytherin table. a certain blonde boy, by the name of draco malfoy, sneaks a few looks in at them. he silently judges their style, their hair, everything. when the great hall meeting was over, the two girls walk out of the great hall, the golden trio and draco and his posse close behind. the girls stop to sit by a window for their free period after the meeting, and draco, blaise, and pansy stop right infront of them. "ahem, new students?" pansy says, fake attenitivness in her voice. "what?" the blonde girl answers. "we thought you should know who we are, the rulers of the school." blaise laughs. "really? i didn't know you were an old man with the most powerful wand in the world. and a lady in green with a huge ass hat and a twatish look? or maybe the big one with an enormous beard and long tangled hair?" the blonde comes back. "i would watch what you say, mudblood. you dont know who i am." draco scoffs at the girls, clenching his jaw. "actually you're draco malfoy, fifth year, father lucious malfoy and mother narcissa malfoy, no siblings, estate malfoy manor, aaaannnd your house elf is dobby." the black haired girl smiles. "i think you should watch your tongue next time, malfoy." the blonde smirks. "who are you anyway!" pansy demands an answer. "sarcos, maddie sarcos." the blonde answers. "ta'neya strasing, wouldn't you like to know." the girl with braids laughs. 

after the little run in, the girls decide to sit in the lounge area, located outside of school in the courtyard. they spot two boys, one with dark brown hair and one with vibrant orange hair. there is a girl with them, along with a boy that catches up to them eventually. she has thick bushy brown hair, and the late boy has thick, combed back brown hair. they smile as they walk up to the girls. "hello, im harry and this is ron. you must be maddie and ta'neya?" harry asks. "correct, i've heard a lot about you." maddie says with no expression. harrys smile falters. "im just fuckin around, e'ryone knows you potter." maddie laughs as ta'neya almost chokes on her drink when she sees the other brown haired boy. harry eventually walks off to talk to dumbledore, but ron stays back, making friends with maddie. "weasley, is it?" maddie asks. "uhm.. yeah! those are my brothers over there, my sister is over there by the fountain with dean, and my other brother is over there, scolding those quidditch players." ron points all around the yard, all of the siblings sharing the same vibrant hair. "twins?" maddie asks, looking at fred and george. "oh yeah! they love switching places." ron says. maddie laughs softly, and ron smiles. the boy with the combed back brown hair is sitting next to ta'neya, rubbing his index finger up and down her hand. she giggles giddily at all his jokes, him smirking. they talk about upcoming quidditch season, and whos trying out for what. but as the happy summer afternoon goes along, a certain blonde slytherin boy grows angry. 

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