ep13. trent resents

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day twenty-seven

gwen never got her medication.

after katie described the brutal scene she had seen, they all agreed to never go into the meds tent.

that's when they all decided to look for two things.
1. medicine             2. an escape

so far no luck from either goals.

so far for gwen and trent, it's been constant searching all day.

it became closer to dark, and trent didn't have good senses in the dark. suddenly he got caught on a rock???

no.. a bear trap. he.. he was stuck.

"gwen! i'm stuck!" he called out. she turned back his way and tried to get him out, with all of her strength. "how do you even work this thing??" she mumbled.

gwen heard a shuffling. the killer. gwen got up off her knees.


gwen started sprinting away.

"g-gwen what's going on.. gwen! GWEN! YOU CANT JUST LEAVE ME TO DIE HERE GWEN!" trent got caught and hung on a hook as he screamed and begged. "GWEN DONT LEAV-" he choked up on his words as gwen left him behind to get impaled with fishing spears. tears running down his corpse with his eyes wide open, symbolizing betrayal.

why gwen..

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