The Search is On

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The next day, it was 8:13 when Maxwell discovered that everyone wasn't awake or hasn't come back yet. He looked all over the apartment building, every room, shouting their names. "LOGAN!!! DAVID!!!" Still no answer was received. Then he heard a loud cry downstairs from Madison. Her pale face tearing up like if it was a waterfall. Greg was there to comfort her during this crisis. "What's wrong with Madison?" Maxwell asked with a concerned look on his face. "M—Mat—Mathew——-isn't here—-anymore." She continued to sob into her arms. Maxwell was both angry and worried, but mostly worried. Since Greg doesn't like Mathew, he thought maybe he did something to him. But it can't be true since he's actually feeling bad for once in his life. "Ok, can you explain to me what exactly happened to him?" Greg handed him the news report at the table and flipped to the back furiously. As he read the article entitled, "Titanium Maniac," it showed a list of people who has recently been injured or died from this tragic event. Both my brothers, Mathew, Michael, Brandon, Amy and Jenna. As Maxwell dropped the newspaper with a flame through his pupil, he assumed this wasn't an accident. He ran upstairs and grabbed his hoodie and woke up Alex to take him to the Miami Police department. "What's going on?" Alex muttered in his sleep. "No time for questions, just get dressed, we're heading to the police station for something involving our friends. As he dashed out of his bed, he grabbed his hoodie, his phone and jumped into the car. "Greg, stay here with your sister and try to cheer her up." He demanded nicely. "We'll be back in an hour or so." They went speeding down the street as if they were being chased a wild pack of wolves. "You want to explain to me what's going on here?" Maxwell paused for a brief second as he gazed upon the road. "Listen Alex, truth is.... Someone is out to get us. Most of our friends are all dead due to this threat." Alex was shocked about hearing this. "All my new friends are dead? How could this be?" he thought to himself grasping onto the car handle. As they arrived to the station, they went to Miami's top notch city deputy. The room was filled with 2 witnesses, one from a diner and the owner of the skate park. "Excuse, I'm looking for Officer Fitzgerald, I need to know about last night." As Max and Alex was confronted t him, he sits with a various amount of questions. "I believe you two are looking forward to knowing what happened last night?" announced Fitzgerald with hands folded in his lap tapping his foot on the foot of the chair. "Well we just wanted to know what exactly this guy looked like, I think we can handle the rest," Maxwell told in a calm manner. He called in his top sketch artist who also witnessed what went on that night. Suspect is described to be 6 feet tall, kind of looks like the kid with spikey hair in the front, built by military armor I believe, armed with high-tech missile launchers and flamethrowers, built-in rockets on its back...." He stopped as Maxwell thought and said out loud, "Wait, that guy sounds pretty familiar. Hand me that notepad." As he gazed upon the detailed sketch of last night's street terror, he knew exactly who it was. "METAL MAX!!!" both screamed Max and Alex. "I thought he got smashed by a garbage truck and was crushed into smithereens." As they rushed back home, he grabbed everything from the trunk of the car and loaded it in back of the car. Max clutching onto the gas pedal; eyes filled with fury inside. "It's on!!!"

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