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Some people believe that angels are souls of our loved ones ascended in heaven. They were send back on Earth to guide people, to protect them. Unknowingly.

Do you believe in angels?


A loud cry woke him up from a quick nap. Stretching his arms widely, his fragile wings popped out from his back instantaneously.

White angel wings.

The baby did not stop from crying, instead, she tried to climbed out of her wooden crib. He was keenly observing having two views with his sharp vision; one's on a cloud like portal seeing her mommy busy fixing lunch in the kitchen; not noticing the cries of her baby through the monitor device, and his other attention, is with the baby herself.

His mission, his assignment.

The little creature made it to the top of the crib, and before she could even roll herself down to the carpeted floor of the room, he was able to catch him on time, avoiding her to get hurt.

It was his job. To watch and protect. To keep that little creature safe.

A guardian angel.

He's Angel Dy, the baby's guardian angel.

Angels' presence were not supposed to be known on Earth, and if a single mundane would have witnessed what happened inside the baby's room, rumors about angels will be on another round of 'talk of the town'. The baby literally floated on air as Dy caught her, and he slowly laid her on the floor as if she made it on her own. That view alone would be another mere proof to people that angels certainly do exist.

By the rules of heavens, angels' powers are not supposed to be for human's eyes. Yes they ought to protect, but at a maximum, to keep it out of human's vision and knowledge. It will make people careless and lenient, it would make people take their loved ones safety for granted knowing someone will always be ready to save them at any unfortunate circumstances. Not at all times that will be the case.

Because beyond angels' powers are much more formidable forces angels could never reckon.

Dy crouched down a bit, played with the baby in front of him, distracting her from doing something more terrible than jumping out of her own crib.

But the baby...

And the Force above probably had different plans.

The baby crawled and continued her journey out of the room, and just like in a blink of an eye, she was out of the nursery room. Her mom left the door halfway open, not in a slightest thought that it will bring her precious kid on extreme danger.

Dy followed her as she made her journey towards the hallway of the second floor. Panic rose inside his system, already guessing what's gonna happen next, but he exactly knew what to do in case things go south.

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