Part 2

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On the otherside with Jin

Jin was in the living room doing his work, he looked at the time and saw it's almost time for Tae's University to end so he stand jk from the couch and went outside towards his car to pick Taehyung up but as he sat inside his car his phone rang, he looked at it  and picked the call

Yes it's Dr Jin here?! Jin responded as he started the car

Isn't there any other doctor available?! Jin asked as they were asking him to come hospital but he have to pick tae

Okay I am coming Jin answered after knowing all doctors are busy with surgery and other emergencies
Call cut

Let me message him, he will pick Taehyung up for me and tae loves him so much too Jin spoke to himself and message someone and after few seconds even got a reply

Hey, can you pick Taehyung up for me, actually I was going but an emergency came?! Jin messaged and asked the person and got reply in few seconds

Yes sure, I will be there, you can go without worry Reply came from ?? And Jin thanked him and went to the hospital while ?? Went to Tae's University

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