A Christmas Favor

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Andy's POV

"I'm assuming you got a job approval if you're planning on buying new suits." Lacey guessed.

"Yeah," I dumbly answered. I scratched the back of my head unsure of what next to say. Suddenly, Jax's idea of taking a random girl to go see my mom for Christmas came to mind. "How have you been?"

"I've been doing good." She sat on one hip and I plucked up the courage to ask her a question. I couldn't imagine what I looked like in the moment wearing an expensive suit and no tie and disheveled hair. My widow's peak probably looked awful.

"Can I take you out to lunch?" I asked, every muscle in my body momentarily tense.

"Sure!" She smiled. Her smile was captivating as her chubby cheeks went up with her high cheek bones and her perfect white teeth shined against her tan skin. My shoulders relaxed.

I looked to the shop keeper and explained how I was to take the tan suit and the navy blue along with extra slacks and a few white, blue, and pink shirts I liked. I then turned to Jax who had been mischievously smirking at my interaction with Lacey the entire time.

"Oh, this is Jax Walker." I gestured to my friend. "Jax, this is Lacey."

Lacey stared wide-eyed at my friend and asked, "Jax Walker as in Walker hotels?" My friend nodded as he stood up and shook hands.

"Lacey Anderson." She smiled at him. I felt a sudden surge of jealously of her using her adorable smile on another man but quickly rolled my shoulders back and smiled at the thought of now knowing her last name. Jax's eyes went wide as well and he looked back and forth between Lacey and I.

Then, that stupid smirk came back to his freckled face and he let go of her hand. "It's very nice to meet you. I'll leave you guys to lunch."

"Oh, I don't want to intrude if you two were hanging out." Lacey said.

"No, no," Jax put his hand up. "Andy's been dying to see you again so I should let this be. I'm sure you're capable of getting him back home." Jax teased. I was red in the face and upset with him for exposing me. Lacey just softly smiled as she turned to me with curiosity in her eyes. "Anyway, bye! See you around!" He slapped me on the back and then walked out of the store.

I quickly got dressed while Lacey tried on a few pants. I stole glances of her as she went back and forth between the dressing room and a shop employee who kept supplying her slacks and blouses. Everything she tried on looked great on her.

We chuckled out together and I suddenly became curious how much money Lacey had. She didn't spend as much as me but I wondered if she had somewhat of a lot of money to her name.

As we exited the store I held the door for her. There was a man in black who suddenly exited out of a black car and approached us. The trunk to the car opened and he grabbed Lacey's bags.

"Thank you Damian." Lacey said. I suddenly remembered the man from a week ago when she had dropped me off at my apartment.

"You have a driver?" I inquired as Damian then grabbed my shopping bags. Lacey nodded. "I thought you'd called a taxi that night." The middle-aged man in a suit opened the door for us and we slid in together.

"Where to miss?" He asked once he was buckled in his own seat.

Lacey looked to me. The thought of her being rich didn't cross my mind when I asked her out to lunch but now I felt foolish because at the moment I couldn't afford an expensive restaurant she must be used to.

"Hear me out," I began, "I just spent a lot of my savings today so I can't take you anywhere fancy." Lacey's face fell for a moment.

"I can pay-"

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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