Jeon jungkook

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It's six am in morning. In this early morning a man is doing a crime in his gym. Came on man it's Jeon jungkook who is doing pushups ahhhh it's freaking illegal. 

Beepppp... He got a text from his love " koo 💗 please help me they are making me sad 😭

Ringtone...." What happened love" jungkook immediately call his love after reading her text in early morning

"Ahhhh! She is bad 😞" he got a response from a whining girl who probably is her bed and trying to get some sleep 😴

Who is bad baby! Jungkook asked like she is in a tutorial centre

My dad's wife! She is asking me to wake up please tell her to go away and let me sleep 😴. His love complaint very seriously like she is facing most injustice thing in the world

Ohh! A chuckle left his mouth and he asked her to handover the cell to her mother " hey mum what happened let her sleep it's early"

Hey dear I have to go out with king and tae tae is also not here if she is not going to wake up now then she is not going to up till the lunch! A sweet and little irritated voice can be hear from other side which is from a mother who is tried by her daughter tantrums in early morning

Ah don't worry mum I am coming and I will take care of her you can go and enjoy your day " a clam jungkook reply his future mother in law who is probably is fed up with her daughter

"Seriously! Thanks dear please handle her, i will be going king is waiting bye dear take care " saying this she returned phone to her daughter who is looking like a dead person in the bed

The girl hear door locking sound or a very sweet sound which is coming from the other side of phone which can be sweet only for her" princess "  he call her. Hmmmm she hummed softly.

" What happened baby? Why not waking up " jungkook asked like she always up early in the morning 😒

I am sleepy koo, she replied lazily

Okay i am coming we are having our breakfast together " he declared

Okay, she replied before cutting the call.

Jungkook get fresh wearing a black jeans, a light colour pair of boot or almost light colour matching  t-shirts which is offcourse not his taste but can't do anything his love like this type of clothes.

Coming out of mansion where he live alone he sit in his one of wealthy car.the driver definitely guess to see his getup where they are going but not to make him angry he respectfully asked " your highness" where you want me to take you sir!

Kim mansion, a cold voice can be hear from his highness, so he silently full fill his order by taking the car towards Kim mansion

Sir we are here, his one of bodyguard informed him opening the door for him . He came out to carry his dark aura which even his colourful dress did not affect a tiny bit. He entered in Kim mansion earning a lot of respect full Greatings nodding them with his straight face he headed towards his love bedroom.

Entering in his love bedroom a small smile formed in his face , siting in the side of her head he carefully with so much love creasing her hairs he sweetly poured "love good morning ❤️" in reply he only earned her cute little irritated sound he smiled before taking her in his arms he muttered again " baby wake up it's eight sweetheart"

You love me? He frowned getting his love 's reply who is snuggling in his embrace.

Offcourse Babu why asking! He asked confused by her question

If you love me then you are not going office today and spending your time with me. She stated like order only to get a little laugh from him

If you want anything just order baby why asking me that weird question " he asked little relaxed after clearing his confusion that it's not serious

"Sleep beside me " she replied lazily totally ignoring his question

Hmmm okay let me make a call okay?he asked softly

Fast! She replied shortly

He call his secretary or friend Nora saying that he is not coming today so handle his work in absence of him she replied that he have a important meeting like he care offcourse not he ordered her to cancel metting because he can't attend them and cut the call. Focusing on his lazy girl who is embraced by him.

You are smelling nice, she stated kissing his chest only to get a little cute and shy humming sound.

You are looking handsome 😉, the clothes are to good, fuck i just want to eat you right now " she poured out in her sexy voice making him blush ☺️

So that why you don't want me to go office because you want to tease me huh? He asked being shy

She grinned before replying "fuck kook when ever I see you  i just want to devour you shamelessly" she replied making him red

The tension  raising between them she started kissing his lower lip slowly he immediately kiss her back

Breaking the hot kiss she grinned seeing his merciless mafia boyfriend being a shy mess.

She smirked before saying further " ufffh kook who going to believe you are a mafia King huh!

"Everyone because the side of me you seeing right now it's only for you baby" he replied lovingly staring his

Why being this naughty ! He asked pulling her in his embrace before hugging her tightly

"Nothing life just see a wild dream about you" she grinned before replying him

Hmmm 🤔 so my little kitten what's the plan for today, he asked her

First i am taking a nap with you remove your shirt, she stated kissing his lower cheekbone

He hummed removing his tshirt

She snuggled in his bare chest only to get a tight hug from her boyfie ☺️

Love you love he stated before kissing her crown

Love you too life ❣️ she replied going to her deep slumber

Author 's words

It's my first chapter of my first book

Please give me love guys 🥺🥺

Okay when we are getting our jungkook huh?

Next chapter probably Sunday 🙂🙂

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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