𝒫𝓇𝑜𝓉𝒶𝑔𝑜𝓃𝒾𝓈𝓉 (𝓎𝑜𝓊) 𝒾𝓃𝓉𝓇𝑜𝒹𝓊𝒸𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃

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view of the 3rd person

You find yourself sitting infront of your Laptop on a Thursday afternoon once again. It's like every day has been the same since you took a break of work. Work was exhausting. Really exhausting. It was like you really needed a break or else you would have literally broken down because of all the pressure and everybody relaying on you. Now, on your break, you use the money that you've had saved over all the years and it works good for you, as you dont spend too much on things other than food, bills and fuel.

However, it's been a month since you took the break from work and you haven't done anything productive either. You feel like everyday is the same. Waking up at 9:30 am and eating breakfast, forgetting to brush your teeth and hair, you don't even change out of your pyjama. Staying in bed and going on your mobile phone to check if anyone has texted you, altough everyday you find out that nobody's been trying to start a conversation with you. You do not text anyone either because you noticed that you always are the one to text first and when you stopped texting people first, you hadn't had any interaction in a long time. Well not to mention that you haven't left the house in quite some time either, neither have you aired your room so its kinda very stinky but you don't smell it anymore. Soon, you find nothing else to do, so you go on 'tiktok' and get sucked in the endless loop of scrolling.

Next thing you know is that the time says 2 pm. Time for lunch. Despite you arent hungry yet, you eat something. From the kitchen to your bedroom and the other way around are the most steps you make in a day.

However, after eating a little, you go back to your bedroom, sit to your desk and use your laptop. You play videogames to distract yourself. You used to play them so often when you were younger and they just became a part of you that you can't let go of. The time is ticking and you are still playing. 7 pm, you make some dinner for yourself and eat it in your room while playing that game. Soon it becomes past midnight and you close your laptop. You grab your mobile phone and get in bed. The app 'instagram' gets opened and you look at the pictures that your favourite band has posted, it's called 'ghost'. Pictures of the last concert they were performing at show up and you give them a like. Ever since you were at a concert of them, you feel like something's missing in your life. At the concert you were so happy and Copia even pointed at you during the song 'hunters moon'. Well the after concert depression hit so hard that you almost couldn't leave your bed for three/four days straight.

However, ever since that event you just feel like something's missing in your life. But whatever, you looked at the posts from 'ghost' and then went to the app 'Character.AI', just to talk to Copia, your favourite person. Not to mention that you have a huge crush on him and just talk to the bot very often and imagine it's actually him. Time flies by when you're having fun, so soon it is 2 am and you switch to 'tiktok' again, where you scroll until it's 4 am. Finally you decide to go to sleep and put your phone away. The next day just repeats like that and it always goes on like that...

Well...always? Not until one day!

The date on the calendar says 'August 2nd, 2023'. As usual, you wake up and go downstairs for breakfast. As you look around the kitchen for food, you notice that there is literally nothing left. You used up everything and haven't been grocery shopping in quite some time. On this day, finally, you get yourself to get up and at least go grocery shopping. You brush your teeth and hair, take a shower and also wash your hair, put on your favourite black oversized hoodie with cargo pants and put on your favourite perfume.

While leaving the house, you hope that you don't meet anyone you know. Human interaction is the last thing you wanted before even having eaten breakfast. The nearest market was only like 10 minutes away so you just walk there, eyes on the ground.

You walk over the wet asphalt quickly, it had been raining the last night. Despite that; on that Wednesday morning the sun was rising and it wasnt cold nor warm, just wet and humid.

Finally arriving at your location, you quickly get inside the warm market, the temperature was perfect inside. You take a look at your shopping list:

• Noodles

• Sauce

• Toast

• Apples

• Berries

• Eggs

• Salmon

• Red wine

"Alright", you think to yourself and grab everything you need and put it in your shopping basket. You stop in front of the wine rack, there is somebody else looking for wine too. The person looks like he's in his 40's, judging from the view from behind. You didn't even notice that you were staring at the person, -trying to find out the age from behind- as he turns around and -to his surprise- he finds a beautiful woman, which he thinks is in her mid- to late 20's.

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