Chapter 1

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(A/N): This is my first book ever. Please tell me what y'all think about it. And please excuse any mistakes. 😃 This book will also be in third person Pov unless stated otherwise.
That morning when Niall woke up, he was bombarded with various feelings. He felt really tired, as well as nauseous and he had a killer headache. He groaned and rolled over onto his back and tried to go back to sleep.

He almost succeeded, until all of a sudden he felt a wave of pain in his abdomen. He yelped. He curled up into a ball and attempted to relieve some of the agony by pressing his fists into his stomach. He gave up when it only got worse.

He felt hot tears gather in his eyes but, being the stubborn person he was, pushed them away. He would not cry over this. He finally fell into a light sleep. But the pain never left, it only worsened.


In the kitchen, Niall's four best mates sat at the table eating breakfast. They were discussing their plans for the next two weeks. They had a bunch of interviews, photoshoots, and rehearsals for the week then they had a week of free time before they started the next leg of the Where We Are Tour. They all noticed that Niall wasn't up but they were all convinced that he was just being lazy.

Louis was sitting next to Harry when he excused himself to go get Niall up. He was halfway down the hall when a loud yelp was heard. Harry joined him and they hurried to see what was happening with Niall. They walked in to see him in a fetal position. If the two had been in a different mood they would have noticed that he was shaking, but not from being cold, as well as his breaths coming out as short pants. But unfortunately, they weren't in the right mood to notice, so they couldn't help but feel a strong sense of annoyance and irritation.

"Niall, quit being lazy and get up. You know we have a busy day today." Louis ordered. Niall groaned and unfurled himself. He then looked up at the two towering over him.

"Guys, I don't feel good today. Can you call management and have them reschedule?" Niall tiredly asked, his words barely above a whisper.

"Niall, we can see right through your little act." Harry snapped angrily.

"What act?"

"Don't think we don't know that you are faking sick to get out of these things, Ni. We discussed this last night and you were fine."

To say Niall was stunned was an understatement. 'Why don't they believe me' Niall wondered to himself. To be honest, Niall felt a little hurt and betrayed from this. He sighed and willed his limbs to move and they responded slowly and weakly. He got halfway up, but then his arms wobbled and collapsed underneath him. He huffed and grumbled to himself under his breath.

"Haz, Lou, can you two help me please." Said boys sighed in irritation but complied. They helped him up and Harry carried him to the kitchen bridal style. He then roughly plopped Niall down into a chair causing him to wince at the sharp pain triggered by the hard landing.

Liam asked what took so long which had Louis and Harry explaining the false accusation against Niall. Once Liam and Zayn heard this, they gave Niall, along with Harry and Louis, pointed glares.

"Niall, we all know that you don't like doing these things. But pretending you are sick to get out of it is an all time low even for you." Liam proceeded to scold Niall about how being in One Direction meant that they needed to accept doing those things.

Niall hung his head, but not because of shame, but because he was sad that not even Liam or Zayn believed him.
They sat in an uncomfortable silence for about five minutes, which consisted of the four staring at Niall as if trying to see if he would own up to the accusation. Then out of nowhere, he felt a wave of extreme nausea. He gagged and bolted down the hallway to the bathroom and closed the door. He fell in front of the toilet and started throwing up. He heard Liam knocking on the door and heard Liam saying something along the lines of 'We are going to get in the car. When you are done come join us so we can leave.' Niall just responded a quick 'ok' before going back to throwing up.

He stayed there for about 15 minutes puking up everything he ate and drank yesterday. He then stayed there for a whole minute dry heaving then sat back once he was done. He flushed the toilet and painfully hauled his body up while ignoring his headache and dizziness. His muscles were so weak and sore. He groaned and washed his mouth out, then went to his other four impatient band members.

Niall distantly wondered what it was that he had. Surely it was nothing more than a stomach bug or the flu.......Right?

Well there you have it guys. The first chapter. Please comment. :)
Don't know when I will update next, it will be soon. Bye y'all :P

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