Chapter 8: Tension between Snakes

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(Y/N)'s POV
Pythor and I were slithering towards the manhole cover. The anacondrai opens the lid before looking at me.
"After you. Winter breath" Pythor gestures me to climb inside. Hearing his voice up close give me a mixed feelings of dread and admiration towards the purple snake.

I put my silver staff on my backpack, sliding down the slightly rusty ladder. Upon hitting the ground, my hands were slightly and I rubbing my palms against each other, thus I let out a tiny puff nitrogen breath into my palms.
"Are you alright (Y/N)?" Pythor asked in concern.
"I'm alright Pythor. Just being a little sore from sliding down the ladder" I replied while putting on a smile.
"Come now Winter Breath. We don't wanna make the others wait" The anacondrai gestures me to follow and so I did, slithering in these tunnels.
'This looks an abandoned train tunnel.' I muttered to myself, glancing occasionally in this dim tunnel.

Chompy on the other hand is still recovering inside my backpack and he is asleep for like several hours. Maybe like 10 hours.
Realization hits like a brick thrown into my head because now I'm in Episode 5: Can of Worms.
'This is not going to be great when the ninjas sees me with them but then again. I must not disrupt their goals in getting their true potential' I though to myself while following Pythor in the tunnel.

"Get ready to meet the others (Y/N)" My deeps thoughts by Pythor.
My heart starts to rise, filling me with excitement and dread at the same.
I'm going to meet the serpentine generals up close in personal.

"Everybody meet (Y/N)" The anacondrai announced to the other generals.
Skalidor and Acidicus looked at me in curiosity.
"Is that a winter breath snake?" Skalidor inquires while the constractai general examines my silver staff.
"I thought these snakes went extinct and I'm guessing that you're the last of kind" Acidicus felt bad for me as he frowns.

No one's POV
Skales in the other hand is suspicious about (Y/N). When the other generals slither away.
Skales grabbed the winter snake before the hynobrai general pinned him to a wall.
"Lisssten to me...(Y/N). You better not do anything treacherous cause I know that you've side with the pesky" Skales threatened the winter snake and (Y/N) closed his eyes while looking away.
"Skalesss what are you doing!? Let go of him thisss instant!" Acidicus pulls off the Hypnobrai general off (Y/N). Skales hissed threateningly at the winter snake.

"I'm not done with you (Y/N) and this isn't over yet" Skales exclaimed before he slithered away.
Acidicus then approached the winter snake in empathy.
"What wasss that all about and are you okay (Y/N)?" The Venomari asked.
"I'm alright and I don't know what has gotten into Skales" (Y/N) lied, knowing that he sided with the ninjas.
"You come to me if Skales does it again okay" Acidicus told the blue winter snake and (Y/N) nodded in response.

'This is going to be a long journey' The winter breath snake mutters to himself before slithering with the rest of the generals.

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