Only for the night, only for the ride, even if it don't feel right

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The villa was back open, but this  summer it would be a new edition of Love Island.

All the contestants are guys and gay.

They say girls can have  drama, but oh man.....can boys/men have drama too.

Arriving at the villa, standing up in the car and yelling at the top of your lungs was tradition now. The first boys to arrive;  Max, Lando and Alex sure were good at it.

They all arrived together at the entrance, shook hands and exchanged hugs before going straight through part of the house and to the outside area with the pool and the fire pit area.

"We're finally here, boys." Alex grinned as his eyes darted around the outside area.

"Yeah, we made it!" Max grinned too as he tried to open up the bottle of champagne, but it didn't go too well.

Lando, who'd been the quietest until now, held his hand out for the bottle, "let me try it?"

Max handed the bottle over skeptically, surprised when the curly haired boy actually got it open.

"Wow, you're pretty good at that." Alex remarked, impressed.

Max wanted to say something too, but his and the other boys' attention was drawn by the host of the show who'd walked in and called them over to the fire pit.

"Hello boys. Welcome to the villa." Laura smiled as they were all seated, "how are we doing?" The 3 boys answered with a 'fine' or 'great' and she continued. "Are you all ready to find love? Lando, what are you looking for?"

"I'm not sure..." the boy answered shyly. "Just someone nice. Someone who can make me laugh...."

"Sounds lovely," Laura gave him a smile, "what about you Alexander?"

"Kind of the same. Not someone who's a complete asshole. Someone who likes to have fun...."

"You both do seem to say only personality traits. No personal type?"

"Oh you mean tall dark and handsome," Max piped up. "Sure, love that. But I do have to agree that someone who can make me laugh is a very important quality to have too."

"Seems like you're all on the same wavelength," Laura summed it up pretty nicely. "Let's not let you guys wait any longer and bring in the boys. What do you guys think?"

The three of them cheered and they all stood up, following Laura to the spot where they would see the new boys come in.

"So, as you know... You'll all be coupled up and you three get the first chance to find love. Are you ready?" they all affirmed they were ready. "Alright then! Here's your first boy... Esteban!"

They all clapped when the boy came walking in, staring in curiosity.

"Damn, he's tall!" Lando muttered, earning chuckles from Alex and Max.

"He is tall indeed, Lando." Laura laughed as she had to look up a little when Esteban stood beside her. "How are you doing, Esteban?"

"I'm doing good," Esteban answered with a French accent. "A little nervous."

"How about we just get on with it then?"

"That sounds good."

Laura turned back to the 3 boys. "Now guys... If you like the look of Esteban and would like to be in a couple with him, please step forward."

Nobody stepped forward.

"That's okay. You're the first guy out so  they're probably just waiting." The 3 boys gave sounds of agreement. "But that's no problem. It's your turn now. You can pick one of them. Will it be Alex, Max or Lando."

Esteban let his eyes trail over the 3. "I pick Alex."

"Okay, you can go and stand with Alex."

Esteban and Alex shook hands and Esteban went to stand behind the other.

"Alright boys. Are we ready for the next guy?" they all made some noise again. "Alright, the next boy is.... Charles!"

The guys clapped and cheered again.

"He looks charming," Max murmured to Lando, who nodded.

Laura greeted Charles, grinning when she received two kisses. "Oh, the French charm!"

“Monegasque actually, " Charles corrected her.

Laura didn't bite the bullet, instead looked over at Alex, Max and Lando again." Alright boys. If you fancy Charles.... Please take a step forward. "

Both Lando and Max stepped forward. Alex seemed to struggle, but then didn't step forward after all.

"Oh, so you have two boys stepping forward for you. Max and Lando. Who're you going to pick?"

There was no hesitation in Charles' voice when he answered, "Max."

Max grinned, but patted Lando on the shoulder before Charles came to join him. Charles gave Max a kiss on each cheek as well, then stood behind him.

Lando was a little bit disappointed, but tried not to show it.

"Okay, it's time for the last boy now. Guys... Here's... Oscar!"

There was clapping again as Oscar made his way over to Laura, who felt a little flushed with all eyes being on him.

"Hey Oscar. Welcome. You can see two of the boys are already taken, but,  let me remind you that you can still choose anyone. To make things easier,  boys, you can step forward now if you fancy Oscar."

It took a second, but then Lando stepped forward.

"Okay, so Lando has stepped forward, but the decision is up to you. Oscar... Who do you pick?"

"I pick Lando." This also seemed like an easy decision for him.

He walked up to Lando, exchanging an awkward hug before standing behind him.

Laura spoke up again, "Alright, so we have our 3 couples! Alex and Esteban. Max and Charles. Lando and Oscar." She paused for a moment. "Don't forget. This is love island. And the first bomb is about to be dropped."

The six boys all gasped and started whispering. Was it already happening? Was shit already gonna be stirred?

Oh yes it was.

"Get ready boys. Here comes... George!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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