You Never Were...

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"I want a divorce."
The words hit Levi like a freight train as he stared up at Eren in silence, shock the only emotion on his face as Eren stared back, arms crossed and a cold glare set in his beautiful green eyes.
"W-what?" Levi asked, shakily putting his cup down.
"You heard. I've had of enough of us, of you!" Eren said nastily.
"Why? You want to me to actually list why?"
There was more than one reason? Levi's heart seemed to break a little more when Eren said list.
"Well, I want to know what's made you come to this decision."
"What's made me- You! You are the reason I've come to this decision!" Eren snapped.
"I- me?" Levi was finding it increasingly hard to believe what he was hearing. He had caused Eren to want a divorce.
"You, Levi!"
"W-what have I done?" He rubbed his hands on his skinny jeans, trying to figure out what he'd done to Eren.
"What haven't you done more like." Eren spat, disgust flashing in his eyes.
"I- Eren, I don't follow." He was confused.
"You never were good enough!" Eren yelled, slamming his fist on the island table, making Levi jump in fright.
"Never good enough?" He asked quietly.
"At anything! From sex to pleasing me to listening to me when I asked you to do something! Nothing!" Eren shouted, anger clear in his tone.
"Eren, a relationship takes two people to work. How could I-" Eren cut Levi off with a harsh backhand, a bright red mark forming immediately on the pale skin Levi now held.
"Relationship! You can't do a simple fucking thing I ask so how can you make a relationship work! That's right, you can't." Eren growled, looming over Levi.
"I'm sorry, Eren."
"You always are. Every time you fuck something up its the same 'I'm sorry' excuse. Well, no more. I'm done with you! You never were good enough." Eren snarled at him. "Pathetic." He muttered, walking away from the quietly sobbing mess that was Levi.
The silver eyed man held his stinging cheek as he sat back down on the stool, silent tears falling as his breathing became more erratic.
"I'll be back later! This is far from fucking finished." Eren yelled, storming out of the house and to his car, driving away from the house.
Probably to the bar, Levi thought as he tried to calm himself down. His eyes flickered to the clock. 2:30pm. They should be at Erwin's for a barbecue, as a couple. He couldn't hold himself together, he needed help, someone to talk to, he was a wreck at the current moment. He pulled out his phone and pressed call on the first number he came to.
"Hello." The cheerful voice of Armin floated through Levi's phone.
"Hi Armin." Levi answered, trying to control his erratic breathing and stifle the sobs.
"If that's Levi tell him that he and Eren are late! They'll have to do the Ice Bucket challenge as a punishment!" Erwin called to Armin though Levi heard him clear enough.
"You get that?" Armin asked, chuckling.
Levi could no longer hold it all in and let out a heartbroken sob. "A-Armin-"
"Levi, what's wrong?" Armin quickly asked, cutting him off.
"Eren," A small sob. "Eren w-wants a divorce."
"Oh god." Armin was at loss for words.
"What's going on?" Erwin asked, turning the music down.
"Levi, listen we'll be right there, okay?" Armin said, tears forming in his blue eyes as he listened to Levi quietly break down.
"Okay." Levi managed to utter out.
Armin hung up and raced out to his car, the others soon following.
"Armin, what's going on?" Marco called.
"Just get in. I'll explain at Levi's." He said, starting his car as Marco, Jean and Hanji slid in the back and Mikasa in the front.
"Levi's? Is Eren okay?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
Armin just remained silent, watching silently as Sasha, Connie, Bertolt and Reiner got in Erwin's car with him and Farlan, Isabel, Petra and Erd got in Aluo's car. Armin drove off first with the others following whilst Mikasa and Jean rang Erwin and Farlan.
"Will you please tell us what's going on?" Farlan asked.
"It's not my place really." Armin answered. "Levi rang and told me something and I don't think I should be the one to tell you what."
"Well, is there a reason he rang you and not Eren his, what do you call it? Oh yeah. Husband!" Jean asked him.
"Look, you'll see when we get there." Armin told them.
Tires screeched on the pavement as the cars pulled up outside Levi and Eren's house. Armin jumped out, the others following as he raced to the front door. He moved a small rock and grabbed the spare key, jamming it in the lock and opening the door.
"Levi!" He called, running in. He stopped in the entrance to the kitchen to a heartbreaking sight. Levi was sat on a stool, his arms crossed on the linoleum table top and his head resting on his arms as his shoulders shook with each sob he emitted.
"Levi." Armin walked over, pulling the smaller male into his arms.
"I-I don't e-even know w-what I've done." He sobbed, clutching Armin's cardigan as he cried into his chest.
"He didn't say anything about why?" Armin asked softly, rubbing his back soothingly.
"O-only t-that I was n-never good e-enough and that h-he's fed up w-with me." He sobbed.
Anger flared in Armin's eyes as he wrapped his arms further around Levi, holding him close. "That's not true, Levi." He said softly, though the anger was clear in his tone.
"What's going on?" Erwin asked, stepping into the room with the others.
"Eren wants a divorce." Armin told him. His eyes then glanced to Mikasa. "Don't even think about standing up for Eren."
"Well, Levi must have done something." She stated. Everyone knew she didn't like Levi.
"The only reason he gave Levi was that he's not good enough for him, that he's fed up with him. Is that any excuse for wanting a divorce?" He snapped, trying to calm Levi down somewhat.
"No, it isn't." Mikasa finally said after a while of silence.
"How could Eren do this to him?" Erwin muttered, walking over and sitting by Levi.
"That's a good question. When I get my hands on him he's going to regret ever making me angry." Armin muttered, looking down at Levi who was now strangely quiet.
"Levi? You okay?" Armin asked as Erwin kneeled beside him.
The older blonde looked at the ravenette, seeing he was silently sobbing as he clutched Armin's cardigan tightly in his hands.
"Hey." Erwin said softly, brushing away a few tears.
"I'm telling you now, whatever Eren said it was definitely hurtful." Farlan said as he sat by Levi, rubbing his back.
"I don't think I've ever seen him cry. The only time I have was when he and Eren got married and they changed vows." Isabel said as she crossed her arms.
"I know. The rest of you head back to mine, Farlan, Armin and I shall stay and look after Levi." Erwin said, chucking Reiner his car keys.
"Okay but if Eren returns you make sure you tell him what we can't." Isabel growled as she left with the others.
"Will do." Armin said as the door shut and the sound of cars starting was heard. The three men sighed as they looked down at Levi, the small male still clutched onto Armin. The blonde picked Levi up, the grey eyed man hiding his face in Armin's chest.
"Take him up to his bed. Let him rest." Erwin said softly.
Armin nodded and turned to go up the stairs. He reached Levi and Eren's room, laying Levi down on the large bed. He sat beside Levi, watching as he took in small, shuddery breaths.
"I'm so sorry Levi, I truly am."
Levi just stared up at the ceiling. "It's fine."
"If you need me, call me." He said softly, placing Levi's phone on the bedside table.
"I will." Levi said, his voice monotone.
"If you haven't called by midnight we'll be back to make sure you're okay." Armin promised.
Armin sighed and stood, walking back down to Farlan and Erwin. "We should go and come back later when he's calmer."
They nodded in agreement, leaving the Jaeger household and heading for Erwin's.
Eren returned home around 11pm, drunk. He stumbled into the house, shutting the door behind him before climbing the stairs on unsteady feet. Opening the bedroom he found Levi sat up on the edge of the bed, arms crossed, eyes narrowed.
"Still here?" Eren grunted.
"It's my home." Levi snapped.
"Not once that divorced is finalised." Eren growled, walking to his side.
Levi turned and sat on the bed, following Eren's every movement.
"What's their name?" Levi asked boldly, standing up and walking over to Eren. The brunette whipped round to face him.
"Excuse me?" He snapped.
"What's their name? Or should I ask who else are you fucking?" Levi growled.
Eren's temper flared. How dare Levi accuse him of having an affair! He shot forwards and before Levi could react Eren had pinned him against the wall, watching the smaller man struggle.
"Who the fuck do you think you are to accuse me of having an affair?!" He yelled, eyes blazing with fury.
"Let me go!" Levi snapped.
Eren pinned Levi's legs together with his own, gripping his wrists together.
"I am not about to be accused of something I didn't commit!" He yelled, throwing Levi across the room. The smaller landed on his side, scrambling up as Eren advanced towards him.
"I don't believe you!" Levi yelled, glaring at Eren.
This only angered him further as he advanced towards Levi, gripping the raven hair in his hands as he pulled Levi closer to him.
"You don't? Well then, let me prove to you who I'm fucking." He snarled, dragging Levi to the bed and pinning him down.
"Eren, what are you doing?" Levi began to struggle beneath him, frantic as Eren tied his hands to the headboard.
"I'm showing you who I'm fucking." Eren answered him.
"No, Eren stop. I don't consent!" Levi panicked, his voice shrill.
Eren looked down at him and Levi noticed his eyes were no longer dark and filled with anger but softer. He gently stroked Levi's cheek, looking down at him.
"I'm sorry for what I've done Levi. I never meant to hurt you." He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to Levi's neck. "But I need to show you who's in control."
He began to undo Levi's shirt, the smaller struggling beneath him as Eren pushed it aside, revealing his smooth chest.
"Eren, please, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have accused you." Levi whimpered, pulling the restraints that held his wrists in place. He hated how weak he sounded but he'd been through so much today that he was just physically exhausted, barely finding the energy to fight back.
"I know you're sorry Levi. Just do as I say and I'll make it as enjoyable as possible for you." He said, kissing his chest and biting harshly at the skin, making Levi cry out in pain.
Eren stripped them both, being gentle with Levi as he prepared himself. He nudged Levi's thighs apart, lining himself up with his entrance and pushing in...
For every bruise Levi had on his body Eren gave it a gentle kiss, making sure he didn't miss any. Levi was still sobbig softly, a small amount of pain throbbing in his lower back. Eren hadn't exactly been rough and meant to inflict pain but he hadn't prepared Levi either and now he was suffering.
"You really should listen to me more often." Eren said, laying Levi down in bed and crawling in beside him. The brunette wrapped his arms around Levi's waist, pulling him close and kissing his neck.
"I love you Levi." He muttered before he passed out from a mixture of tiredness and alcohol.
"I love you too Eren." He said quietly.
Levi lay awake for quite some time when his phone buzzed. Checking the time he see it was 11:45, a text from Armin flashing on his screen. He unlocked his phone and opened the text.
'Are you okay? Do you need us to come over?'
Levi's fingers hovered above the keyboard for a while, debating what to text back. He quickly decided and texted Armin, locking his phone and settling down in Eren's arms.
Farlan and Erwin looked up as Armin's phone vibrated. He unlocked the phone and looked at the message before showing it to the other two with him, unsure if they should believe it or not.
'I'm fine.'

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