What Did I Do Wrong...?

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Levi sighed as he continued to work on his reports. Erwin had decided to tell Levi, at 10pm, that he wanted all reports finished and on his desk by 6am the next day. So now here he was, awake still and working at 3am in the fucking morning when he should be sleeping but no Erwin had to want the reports by tomorrow. Why 6am he'd never know. The man wasn't even awake at that time! Bastard, Levi thought bitterly as he finished the last report. Done. As he moved the files into their folder a loud knock on his door caught his attention.
"Who the fuck is that?" He muttered to himself, placing the file on a shelf and walking to his door. He opened it to find the last person he expected to be up at this time of the night.
"Jaeger? What the fuck are you doing out of your cell?" Levi growled.
Dammit! If the brat was out that meant he had to go lock him back up.
"It's Eren sir, not Jaeger. That's my last name." Eren growled back.
Something about the way the cadet stood and the look in his eyes told Levi to just tell him good night and shut and lock the door.
"Okay, Eren, I shall see you tomorrow." He said, moving to shut the door. Eren, however, wasn't having it and slammed his hand against the door, making Levi jump in fright and step back from the door. Eren entered his office, shutting the door behind him and locking it, slipping the key into his pocket.
"You've quite the nerve, Levi. Going around calling me a brat or Jaeger, beating me up like you did in court. Some acting that was, I think you meant every punch, every kick. Every bit of blood or bruising was like a medal to you wasn't it, the prize for being dominant." Eren said calmly.
Levi in all honesty was terrified as he stood before Eren. He never came across as violent or threatening but now as he stood in front of Levi, eyes narrowed and voice dangerously calm, the Corporal knew that this was the whole other side to Eren he would never have imagined let alone see..
"E-Eren, look, what I did in court was an act and was to make sure the Military Police didn't get you, otherwise you'd be dead. To add to that, the whole court ordeal was three years ago. You're 18 now so get it through your thick head that I did what I had to do to protect you." Levi said, doing his best to keep his voice stern and level.
Before he could even blink, Levi was being pressed up against the wall, Eren pinning his hands above his head.
"Let me go! Release me right now! That's an order!" Levi yelled.
Eren smirked and released one hand from Levi's wrists only to grab his hair harshly, making Levi whimper in pain.
"You really should learn how to not speak out of term because, like now, it lands you in trouble." He snapped.
Eren dragged Levi from his office, kicking open the door that led to his bedroom and throwing Levi onto his bed. He locked the bedroom door before walking over and pinning Levi down, the older male struggling furiously to be released.
"Let me go now!" He yelled.
Eren straddled Levi, removing his chest harnesses with ease and tying them around Levi's wrists and around the wooden poles at the head of his bed.
"I've let you go." Eren smirked.
"This is not letting me go! Untie my hands right-" Levi was cut off when Eren smashed their lips together, forcing his tongue into the others mouth. Levi whimpered, feeling tears prick his eyes as he began to panic, struggling furiously to get free.
No! Eren wouldn't do this to him, he wouldn't... rape him.. would he? He had to get free! He had to get free! Levi began to panic when he felt Eren slip his shirt open, his hands roaming all over his body. Since when did he get his shirt unbuttoned! Levi suddenly felt claustrophobic, his breathing coming in short, quick pants.
"Needy aren't you?" Eren smirked, biting harshly at the skin on Levi's neck, making him cry out in pain.
"N-no, stop this. E-Eren, please, s-stop." Levi whimpered, begging to have Eren realise what he was doing and to stop.
"No. This is payback for all those years you called me a brat or treated me like shit, never giving me the fucking respect I earned and deserved." He spat angrily.
"Eren, it was never anything personal! I never targeted-" Levi was cut off for a second time by Eren, the brunette delivering a harsh backhand to Levi.
"You never what? Never targeted me? Sure you didn't. So why did you never call Armin a brat or treat Jean like shit. Why did you never tell Mikasa she can do better or Bertholdt that he's a fucking idiot for not being able to sort files correctly? Because you never targeted them. Only me. Now you're going to pay for all the abuse you gave me."
Levi couldn't keep up the act any longer and screamed. He screamed as loud as he could, hoping someone would hear until Eren slapped his hand over Levi's mouth.
"Stupid move." He growled, yanking Levi's cravat off and tying it over his mouth as a gag. "I didn't think I'd need to do this but obviously I do!"
Levi was now crying in fear, tears streaming down his cheeks as his screams were muffled by his cravat, his own cravat.
Eren removed his pants and boxers, Levi's eyes widening im horror when he see Eren was hard.
"If you had played nice then you wouldn't be in this situation. It wouldn't be painful for you and to think I even considered making it pleasurable for you. Fuck that." He growled, yanking Levi's boots off and removing his pants and boxers. He crawled over Levi, harshly pulling his thighs apart, smirking.
"I'm really going to enjoy this." He said as he thrust into Levi...
Three weeks had passed. Three long weeks. That was how long it had been since Eren had assaulted him. Levi had become a completely different person and he wasn't the only one to have noticed. He was nicer to the cadets, not wanting to have anymore try and get payback on him. He was jumpy, a simple hand on his shoulder would send him jumping a foot in the air. He hated when people became angry, fearing they'd take their anger out on him like Eren had done, making him panic when someone's temper rose. And if that wasn't enough, he broke down the other day in the mess hall, having a full blown anxiety attack when Eren yelled 'fuck that' to Jean as a joke. Erwin had to drag him out and calm him down. Now everyone was worried about him, asking what was wrong and why he was like this. So he'd come up with an excuse, saying he'd been attacked when out for a walk. An easy lie that everyone believed. Thankfully.
Now he had a second problem. A week after Eren had raped Levi, the small Corporal became ill, being sick in the mornings and sometime during the day. He'd gone to a doctor in a town further out without anyone knowing and found the cause of his sickness. He was pregnant. Carrying the child of the man who had betrayed his trust so violently. He needed help but figured that if he told Eren the Titan shifter wouldn't believe him, possibly try and punish him like he already had. So he turned to the next closest thing to Eren as he could. Mikasa. He hoped she didn't hate him seeing as ever since Eren had assaulted him she'd been giving Levi dirty looks, hissing cruel things to him when he was close enough to her. He'd asked Eren if he'd upset or hurt her, even asking if Eren had told her what Eren had done to Levi. Eren just backhanded Levi, telling the Corporal not to accuse him of such things and then went on to explain that he'd told Mikasa that Levi had taken advantage of Eren when he was drunk, which was a lie, not that she'd believe Levi. He sighed as he approached her, quickly walking across the courtyard.
"Mikasa?" He called, slowly approaching her.
She turned and glared at him.
"What do you want?" She spat.
"I.. I was wondering if you might be able to help me." He said softly.
"Why would I help you? You took advantage of my brother when he was drunk!"
"No! Mikasa, that's not what happened." Tears began to form in Levi's eyes as he looked at her.
Her glare softened slightly. "Then what actually happened?"
"Eren he- Eren wasn't drunk, he was angry and... and he took his anger out on me.." Levi could feel himself start to tremble.
"How?" She asked, noting him start to shake slightly.
"He.. he raped me.." He said softly, wiping his eyes of tears as they began to fall.
Mikasa's eyes widened in shock, horror etched on her face as tears pooled in her eyes. "N-no.. he wouldn't. You're lying!"
"I'm not, okay! I'm not lying!" He said, voice cracking. "Please, please Mikasa, I need your help."
"With what?" She asked.
"Eren never used p-protection and I.. I'm pregnant." He said quietly.
"What?!" She cried.
"Pregnant!" He pulled out his medical form, showing it to her. Her eyes quickly scanned the paper, widening as she see he wasn't lying.
"No, Eren wouldn't.. he couldn't.. you're lying!" She said, though her eyes contradicted what she said.
Before Levi could speak Eren ran over to them, his eyes darkening when he see Mikasa's tears, turning to Levi.
"What the fuck did you do?" Eren yelled.
"I did nothing. We were just talking." He said.
"Then why is she crying?!" He snapped in anger.
"He said you raped him, Eren." Mikasa answered.
By now a small crowd was stood in the corridors, watching them. Eren's eyes widened as he looked at her then to Levi. "You... how could you accuse me of such a violent act, Levi.." He whispered.
Levi knew he was acting. "Because you did!"
"How dare you!" Eren screamed jumping and kicking Levi in the chest. The Corporal was sent flying backwards, tumbling over before he landed on his side, facing Eren. "I'll fucking kill you!" Eren yelled, running towards Levi.
The smaller male scrambled up just as Eren tackled him, the pair tumbling as Eren tried to get to Levi whilst he tried to get Eren off of him. Levi managed to kick Eren's foot away from his stomach, his main area to protect, whilst punching the Titan shifter. However, he wasn't prepared when Eren flipped them over, kicking his stomach harshly which sent Levi tumbling, the Corporal landing on his chest. Eren stood but was tackled by Reiner, the blonde holding him down as Bertholdt ran over to help. Armin and Jean ran over to Levi, the Corporal unmoving.
"Let me go! Let me the fuck go!" Eren screamed, struggling furiously in Bertholdt and Reiner's grip.
"Eren, calm down!" Reiner growled.
"Corporal Levi. Can you hear me, sir?" Jean asked. Armin gently picked Levi up and lay him against his lap when he whimpered softly, his eyes opening, the silver orbs swimming with pain.
"Levi, are you okay?" Armin asked, gently holding him close. Levi's face suddenly twisted before a small cry of pain left his lips. Armin took his hand, the Corporal gripping it tightly as Jean checked him for injuries. As Jean pressed his stomach Levi screamed, tears falling from his eyes.
"It's okay, sir, it's okay." Jean soothed, moving to sit beside him, trying to keep him calm.
The crowd nervously whispered to each other as they looked from the struggling Eren to the injured Levi, worry rippling through them. Everyone silenced when Erwin ran through the crowd, Hanji hot on his heels. His eyes flicked to Eren when Levi screamed, the Commander immediately running over to his second in command.
"What happened? Levi, can you tell me what's wrong?" Erwin asked, kneeling beside Levi. The Corporal was writhing in pain, his eyes clenched shut.
Mikasa, who was still holding Levi's medical form, dropped it and ran over to Eren, trying to calm him down. Jean grabbed the piece of paper, eyes scanning over it.
"Commander, I think I know what's wrong with Levi." Jean said, not taking his eyes off the paper.
Erwin looked up, eyes flicking to the form.
"Levi's pregnant." He said, looking up to meet Erwin's stare.
"Where was he hit?" Hanji asked, immediately by his side.
"Kicked." Armin corrected, whilst gently touching the spot Jean had on Levi's stomach. "Here."
"Oh not good." She muttered.
"What? What isn't?" Erwin asked.
"Depending on how hard Eren kicked him he may be miscarrying. I need him in the infirmary now." She ordered.
"Arlet, Kirschtein with me." Erwin said, picking Levi up from Armin's hold and running after Hanji, the two cadets following after them...
Luckily for Levi he hadn't been miscarrying. Eren had been taken to a holding cell and after many hours of being questioned he finally broke and admitted what he did to Levi, sobbing as he begged for forgiveness, crying and screaming that he didn't know what came over him, he hadn't been in control of himself that night.
Erwin wasn't sure what to believe until it had been discovered that Eren was telling the truth. He hadn't been in control of himself that night. Hanji had been experimenting on him during the day, wanting to see if his Titan behaviour could affect his human behaviour; which it did, unfortunately. His Titan behaviour had affected him for a couple of weeks, explaining why Eren had hurt Levi. It had been decided from then on that any experiments preformed on Eren would be done under Erwin's supervision and any experiments that could affect Eren in his behaviour was now banned. Eren had begged Erwin to let him see Levi. He had to apologise, tell him the truth. Erwin explained that they had told Levi the truth, the Corporal seemed very understanding, knowing Eren would never truly hurt him, and allowed Eren to visit Levi now he was awake and feeling better. Erwin led Eren to Levi's room, the brunette still sniffling softly as he entered. Levi was sat up in his bed, one hand laying across the tiny bump as he looked out his window. Jean and Armin left the two alone, trusting Eren.
"L-Levi.." Eren said, standing by the door.
Levi looked towards him, beckoning him closer, his grey eyes cautiously watching his every step.
"I- I am so sorry." Eren sobbed, kneeling by his bedside.
"It's okay. Hanji explained everything to me, Eren. I can't be mad at you for something that wasn't your fault." Levi soothed, placing his hand on the back of Eren's head, brushing his fingers through the brown locks.
"You're not?" He asked.
"No. I'm weary around you, yes but I figure we can fix that in time." Levi said softly.
Eren's eyes flicked to Levi's stomach, looking at the little outline. Levi smiled as he followed his stare.
"May I?" Eren asked, hopeful.
"Of course." Levi told him, removing his hand for Eren.
Eren gently reached out, placing his hand over Levi's little bump. He smiled, letting out a small laugh as he gently rubbed it. This was their baby, their child, that Levi was protecting.
"This our baby Eren." Levi smiled.
"I- I'm so sorry Levi.. I.. I can't believe I raped you.." He said softly, tears slowly forming.
"You weren't in control of yourself so I can't blame you." Levi soothed.
"You don't blame me?" He asked.
"No, and I never will." Levi said.
"If you don't then I'll try not to." He promised, pressing a soft kiss to Levi's forehead, making him chuckle.
"Now give me a real kiss."
Eren smiled and pressed a soft kiss to Levi's lips. "I love you Levi."
"I love you too Eren." Levi said softly.
"I can't wait for our child to be born. I hope they look like you." He smiled.
"I hope not. Now come here and cuddle with me." Levi told him.
Eren chuckled and climbed in beside Levi, pulling him into his lap.
"Yes sir."

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