Favorite things to do during Fall!

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                                                                               It's almost Fall!

-Jumping in leaves is one of your favorite things to do. Although, it's not Tam's favorite thing to do, mostly because he has to rake all the leaves back up again, but for him, it's worth it to see you laugh and have fun with him.

-Cuddling in front of the fireplace. It's warm, cozy, and just an overall nice place. Calm and great for a long day after Foxfire. Tam loves to just grab a bunch of blankets and just go to cuddle town with you. You guys like to chat and enjoy each other's company. Unless Linh barges in, Tam will get up and usher her out unless it's important, like super important.

-Making and baking is one thing the two of you love to do, making a mess and making fun memories together is worth it for Tam, even though there's a huge mess to clean up. He likes to make sweets and try and base them off some human recipes you have seen, but using the elven ingredients.

-Going to the lake during the evening or the morning hours. Its peaceful and quiet, perfect for enjoying the quiet moments with each other. Just sitting and breathing in the fresh air makes it all better. You would do drawing and reading ETC. Tam would help you and spend quality time with you!

Ta-da another cute and fluffy chapter, this is kind of a humanxkotlc but it worked. The longer oneshot will be posted soon, but right now I'm stuck on the ending. (@_@;)

But thank you for 500+ reads! Ahhh, I'm so happy! Also some readers of this work are from France! So thank you to all of you around the world who have read it. Most people who have read it are from Canada and the U.S but also Australia! Thank you again for the 500+ reads and for supporting me throughout this process. 

Until the next chapter (coming soon)

Have a good day/night and enjoy the book! - Moonstar

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