𝟏𝟔. game 2 (girls)

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THE GROUP WAS back at the hotel, waiting for Vienna to finish braiding her hair. Nelson sat on the bed, live on tiktok. She sat in front of a mirror, tying her hair.

"Where's Vienna?" Nelson read out loud, he turned his phone to show her sitting in front of the mirror. "She's braiding her hair because she has a game today."

"I'm finished." She said, standing up. She wore her white long sleeve, her shorts and then blue yeezy slides.

"Alright ya'll, I'm getting off. Bye." He ends the live, wrapping his arm around Vienna and they walked out of the room.

"Ready to go?" Cam stood up, fixing his shirt. Vienna nodded her head and they head out to the lobby. "Can you text the girls?"


cam said to come to the
bus now guys

i don't get why he tells u to
text when he's literally in the gc

Ik like cam


Yes sir🫡

5 minutes later, all the girls came to the hotel lobby. Vienna left Nelson's side to go to them, Breya pulls her into a hug. It was hard since Breya was the tallest on the team.

"Ya'll ready to crush this team?" Cam asked the girls and they huddle in a circle. "I've seen this teams clips and they're um, let's just say that they're not really good."

"What team are we playing?" Naomi asked, lifting her head up. The girls gave her a look because Naomi was the only one who never really checks her chats. "What?"

"This girl never checks her texts, I swear." Jada pointing at her teammate. Naomi rolled her eyes and then they started laughing.

"We are playing Shifty95 elite. They have some good players but then at the same time, not really."

"Oh! I've seen their clips on tiktok!" Naomi exclaims, getting excited. Vienna pats her back and laughs.

They finished their little discussion, turning around and grabbing their bags for the game. Nelson carried Vienna's bag for her, holding her hand.

She swung them back and forth like a little kid as they walked onto the bus. They sat down and she puts on her airpods, giving Nelson the other pair to him.

"Nelson, how many likes on this video?" Cam asked him, the camera pointing at Nelson. It got a peek of Vienna reading beside him.

"I would say, 110 thousand likes." He looks at Cam for approval and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I mean, yeah, that seem's like a good like goal." He approved and then Zeddy daps Nelson up. Vienna looked up and then back down to read her book.

The girls walked in the gym, looking at the other team who was already warming up. Cam passes 5 basketballs out to give to the players, Vienna dribbles the ball and then goes in for a lay up.

The girls do three man weave, laughing as Breya blocks Hailey's lay up. Then, Jada starts rapping out of nowhere.

"You're not hitting that!" Naomi breaks it to her, shaking her head and running away. Jada's shoulders slump and stare at the camera.

"She's just a hater."

Vienna was shooting around, warming up for the game. She wasn't really talking to anyone because she was locked in and ready. She had her airpods in, listening to music as she shot around. The game was about to start so Cam called them all in.

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