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"Shua..." hearing his name by the familiar voice, makes him want to cry even more

"Look... I told you, I'm gonna explain everything to you once you're fully healed. I promise. Just let's go back. You still need r–"

"just stop. I want to be alone. I want to be away for all of you."

"I won't stop until I explain everything."

"Then do it now."

"But–" He shot glares at the older

"for the 10th fuc–" jeonghan shh'd him by placing his index finger at his lip

"Don't curse. I don't like it when you curse." he said softly, then wiping the younger's tear

"If you really want to, then I will. Just promise me, we will go back to the hospital hm?" joshua nodded hesitatingly but goes with in

"I... Everything was just rumour. My dad just set me up with a girl and thought I wasn't in relationship. Then one day when he came to my office, he apologized how he knew I was in relationship. And he supports me even if it's a boy.."

"D-do... You have contact with her?"

"no. We didn't met at all. And I wasn't planning to get her contact or anything." joshua muttered a 'good' and starts resting his eyes and breaths peacefully. Jeonghan patted his hair, making him feel  it's okay now.

"I'll carry you hm?" jeonghan asks and joshua nodded lazily. The older proceeds to carry the younger in a bridal style, walking back to the hospital with his friends, who they passed by earlier, who came to find him too.

Joshua woke up in the same room, with jeonghan in his side. But not only him, his also two friends came along with a new friend with them

"Shua hyung!" chan called, waving at the older. Joshua smiled as a response

"It's nice to see you again, hyung." from his friend who doesn't usually talk, wonwoo. And smiled too

"and while you're gone, they brought a new friends that can join to our group. They're Vernon and Mingyu" jeonghan said. Joshua's lips formed an 'o' shape at the news about, new friends. Well, he was glad tho, they found new friends, really.

"i'm glad... I'm hong joshua or jisoo. Nice to meet you two!" he greeted. The two greeted back too and in just a short period of time, they manage to get to know each other and became friends eventually

"we'll go now hyung. We still have class!"

"get home safely!" the door shutted close after then, leaving the two.

"What about you?" he asks the older

"I have a work tomorrow."


"oh right. I became the new CEO of Yoon's company, the day you know..." joshua was surprise to find out the older got a job, he didn't expect it, as they keep studying.

"What about your studies?"

"I attend classes of course, every other day. And wonwoo just call me if there's any special tasks sent by our prof. And I do them immediately"

"that's great then..." the only word he can say

"Why do you feel down shuji?" he asks

"I'm just worried that, I may not be able to graduate this year, because of you know... I missed a lot of lessons in school.." he hang his head low, while fiddling with his fingers. And jeonghan hold his hand from the back of his hand.

"I'm sure, they will give you special tasks too, in order to catch up and able to graduate. And if they won't, I will make sure, I will be the last time they will see." he grins but joshua knows it's a devil's grin.

"you don't have to kill them, y'know?" he chuckled.

"I will. For you." jeonghan said closing the gap between them. And jeonghan attacks his lips, and joshua just followed what he is doing.

"mnnn~ j-jeo"

"I miss you baby" he said between the kiss, and continued to enjoy eating the younger.

"Welcome back Mr. Hong. I'm glad, you're finally recovered." the prof greeted as he saw the longing gone student is back

"thank you prof, is there any way I could do to all of the tasks I missed?"

"Yes. And don't worry, we won't pressure you much, as you're still not fully recovered. So I will explain to you the task you will have to do and must submit next week." joshua nodded, and the professor proceeds to explain the task he needed to do

"Hi joshuji!" it was lunch break and jeonghan called from him

"Wanna eat lunch with us?"

"sure!" jeonghan hold his hands, leading them at the table in cafeteria, with their four other friends, waiting for them.

"shua hyung!" chan greeted running to hug the older.

"Welcome back hyung!" joshua reciprocated the hug and pulled away and sat next to jeonghan

Finally the empty seat next to jeonghan is now occupied with his lover. They start their lunch together, happily having lunch together. With jeonghan and joshua secretly holding hands under the table.

"Hey guys, are you free this thursday?" chan asks

"Yeah" Vernon answered

"same here" mingyu added

"how about you two?" chan asks looking at the two lover

"Well after school right?" chan nodded

"Sure. I have plenty of time to do my special task anyways." they threw a small celebration at their table after hearing the response from each other

Later on, the bell rang, making them seperating each other.

"let's go?" joshua nodded and he felt a hand intertwine together at his and he reciprocated.

To be Continued...

August 26

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