Gru and lucy Wedding

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Gru pulls the trigger on his jelly gun, but he is out of ammunition. He then pulls out the freeze ray and fires, encasing El Macho's fists in blocks of ice. El Macho growls and slams his fists to the ground, shattering the ice and knocking Gru off the platform and onto a scaffolding. Gru screams.

The scaffolding tips over. El Macho grabs the scaffolding and holds it above his head, ready to crush Gru.

Suddenly Gru pulls out Lucy's lipstick taser and fires it at Purple El Macho! The jolt of electricity has him shaking and dancing and ultimately sizzling and smoking, until he finally collapses on the ground.

"Lipstick taser!" Lucy smiles at this.

"Aw...he copied me"

Gru runs off to save her. The minions surround El Macho, cocking their jelly guns.

"I am not afraid of your jelly guns"

"Oh, this ain't a jelly gun, sunshine"

Dr. Nefario fires the Fart Gun directly into El Macho's face, causing him to pass out. The minions cheer, firing their jelly guns into the air.

One of the minions stands on top of El Macho and poses for a big game hunter-style photo. Dr. Nefario smiles for the camera as well.

"Great, all we need to do is take el macho in and give him an antidote" Diane says.

"Right after we save Lucy" wolf says. Gru runs toward the rocket.

"Don't worry about me, Gru! I'll be fine. I have survived lots worse than this. Okay, that's not entirely true. I'm actually kind of freaking out up here! Don't worry--I will get you out of this!"

"Gru hurry" wolf says.

Gru attempts to untie Lucy. And then sees Pollito has walked over to the remote. Gru and Lucy Gasp. The chicken looks at Gru and Lucy, then pecks the button.

"I really hate that chicken"

"Oh no" wolf says.

The rocket blasts off into the air. The Minions and Girls watch in horror as Gru and Lucy fly off on the rocket. Wolf and Diane watch.

"I hope they're make it" Diane was concerned for her friend.

"Don't worry I know Gru, they'll make it" wolf assures her.

Gru uses his knife to cut Lucy's ropes. They screams as the shark gets loose and falls down to a sushi bar below where all of the customers and sushi Chef Cheer.

Meanwhile, on the rocket Gru rips a panel off the side, revealing a mess of wires inside.

"Is there a red one? It's usually the red one"

Gru starts to pull out wires left and right. To no avail.

"Gru, anytime now!"

Gru gasps, realizing they are approaching the Volcano. Time is running out. Death is imminent. He looks Lucy in the eyes.

"Listen, Lucy--we may not get out of this alive, so I need to ask you a question"

"Uh, better make it quick!"

"If I'd asked you out on a date, what would you have said?"

"Are you kidding me?! Yes!"

Gru smiles. Then realizes that the rocket is still careening toward the volcano. He grabs Lucy.

"JUMP!!!" Gru and Lucy grab hands and leap off the rocket. The rocket plunges into the volcano.
Gru and Lucy plummet through the air.

KA-BLAAAAM!!! The volcano explodes in a massive tempest of fire and smoke and lava.

The impact of the blast hits Gru and Lucy and sends them flying.

SPLASH! They hit the water. BAM! BOOM! The volcano continues exploding.

SPLASH! Gru emerges, soaking and out of breath. Fire and lava flying all around him. He can't find Lucy.

"Oh!  Lucy! Lucy! Where are you?!" After a few moments, Lucy also emerges. Gru is incredibly relieved.

"Oh, Lucy!"


Lucy smiles and hugs Gru. They both go underwater. Then come back up. Sputtering. And in love.

"Sorry...I guess you kind of neeyour arms to tread water, huh?" The Minions appear in the rowboat.

"Mack-oh! Mack-oh! Mack-oh!" But they pass right by them.

"They'll be back..."

147 DATES LATER...Romantic music plays under the title card.

Four minions, dressed in matching suits, begin to sing a All- 4-One's "I Swear," pronounced "Underwear" in Minionese.

We are at Gru and Lucy's wedding reception. We Pull Back to the wedding cake, and then to Gru and Lucy dancing. As they dance we see all of the wedding guests watching: Gru's Mom, Dr. Nefario, Silas, Jillian, Shannon, Natalie.

The bad guys were Gru's best men and Diane was Lucy's maid of honor.

Gru dips Lucy and they attempt their kiss, but their noses keep bumping. They finally manage to kiss and the crowd cheers.

We see the three girls watching in their beautiful bridesmaid dresses. Agnes can barely contain her glee. Pan over To Edith, who makes a face.

"Can I be the first to say--ewwww!" The minions finish the song.

The girls and princess sit at their table. Agnes clearly has something on her mind. She sighs.

"Okay" She stands up on the table.

"Excuse me!" Looks out at the crowd, but they can't hear her.

"Um...hi!   Excuse me!"

She still doesn't have the crowd's attention, so Margo taps on her glass. Everyone looks to Agnes, who is visibly nervous.

"Uh...hi, everybody! I'd like to make some toast. Uh..."

She looks out at the crowd. Is really nervous. Looks over at Gru. He smiles. Mouths "okay." This helps, and Agnes pulls herself together and recites the Mothers Day poem from earlier.

She um...she um, kisses my boo-boos. She braids my hair. We love you mothers, everywhere!"

Agnes turns to Lucy and looks her right in the eyes.

"And my new mom Lucy is beyond compare" Lucy smiles, melting. The crowd goes "awwwww." Agnes and Lucy spin around in a hug. The crowd cheers and applauds. Gru, Margo and Edith join Agnes and Lucy in a group hug. The family is complete.

Then princess walks up to Diane, she looks down at her.

"Oh, hello"

Then princess reaches out to her, Diane picks her up then princess hugs her, the guys were in awed.

"To the bride and Gru!" Wolf says.

at the DJ table music played, Then the entire family boogies across the dance floor, including Dr. Nefario and Gru's Mom.


Then when lucy throw her bouquet, all the girls fight for it then it landed in Diane's lap.

She was surprised, "uh oh looks like someone is getting married next" lucy smiles at diabe, then she turns to wolf as they both were surprised.

A minion poses Gru, Lucy, and the girls for a formal picture. Everyone looks good. They all smile.


Another picture adds Gru's Mom, Dr. Nefario, and two minions to the group.

Then just us him the girls lucy the bad guys diane and princess.


Another picture adds even more minions to the group.


An evil minion pops up and photobombs the last picture!


                      THE END

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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