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Thursday August 24,2023- 12:05pm

        I've been wanting to do this for a while now, you know? Actually sit down and write but write while coked out off my ass, off my fucking mind. Oh and also just write in general, this memoir, or novel, or whatever the fuck this is has been in the works since I was in middle school and sadly as I grow older and the important shit I should  be writing about is getting drowned out by prior teen angst. 


        I don't even know where to start. I have forced fucked myself to change into a "better" person and to add quotations that statement is so egotistical of me, but hey! If you got this far are you really surprised?


 Anywho, lets begin, I am currently sitting in my living room, with my dog and my cat, and my cocaine. Not sure if I mentioned that I first did coke back when I was 15 cause I was about to OD on multiple xanax and needed something to speed up my heart rate, ever since then doing cocaine has been a reoccurring thing. In 2020 I made a friend named Jermey and quinto and would do coke all mf night, and I just realized it's been like that on and off and never stopped. 

BUT now, I live with my boyfriend and roommate, Jerry, jerry a coke fiend, me a general fiend, and my love, Raudel, who is down for most things and I don't make shit easier.


I fucked up the tendon in my right knuckle and my hand is cramping up. I've only been writing for ten minutes, how depressing.  

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