just stop talking

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Class ended, the bell rung and Eloise walked out of the room. Tristan pushed people out of the way to get to the door, to see Eloise almost all the way down the hallway. He saw her making her way to the bathroom and started running before she could go in but he was too late, and about to be late for his next class which was the opposite way. He looked at the bathroom from a distance, hoping she'd come right out but she didn't come out of it.

He turned his heel and started dashing for his classroom, slipping in right as the teacher closed the door. Eloise stepped outside the bathroom, and could see Tristan's silhouette standing at the door, almost like he could see through the opaque glass of the wood door, staring back at her, and telling her she wasn't crazy to feel how she did. Eloise looked from the silhouette to the floor and walked to her classroom right next door.

The class today was particularly long and boring for both, but now it was passing period or study hall for some. Eloise started walking from her classroom, rushing to get to study hall as she had spent too much time talking to the teacher of her previous class on any upcoming testing but then was suddenly pulled away, quick and catching her off guard.

She shook the hands off of herself, taking her surroundings in of the janitors closet, and furrowing her eyebrows at the figure in front her.

Some of Tristan's face was lit, leaving her to see angles of his face, the other part blending in with the shadows around them.

"Why would you-", Eloise began to spit out before Tristan placed his hand over her mouth and leaned into her, whispering, "Don't talk too loud, teachers are going to walk by to give out detentions."

Eloise simply nodded at this, as he kept his face close looking into her eyes. Snapping back to reality, she slapped his hand off and said, "You have some nerve dragging me in here with you."

Tristan then began to whisper, "I have some nerve? You just stopped talking to m-", he was cut off by Eloise, rolling her eyes and saying, "Just stop talking."

They both looked down until Eloise looked up, and Tristan looked up into her eyes, a smile started to creep onto both of their faces, before they both started bursting out into laughter.

"Damn, I missed this," Tristan said, before continuing with, "I thought you were gonna never speak to me again, I was preparing a transfer." Tristan started grabbing through his blazer and finally pulled out a necklace. Eloise's necklace.

"My necklace?," Eloise started to feel around her neck, "I didn't even realize I didn't have it. Where'd you find it?"

Eloise started reaching for it, and throwing it around her neck as Tristan said, "I accidentally grabbed onto it yesterday...".

Eloise's face froze and her hand kept missing the clasp.


Eloise looked at Tristan, and after trying many times, gave up and extended it out to Tristan.

"Could you put it on for me, please?", Eloise asked and with Tristan's nodding approval, she turned from him.

His hands went over her head, laying the necklace on her chest, Eloise's breath hitched as she felt his warm her neck.

Tristan put the necklace on her looking entirely at bare, exposed neck, the neck he slid his hands down yesterday, only to act now, like it was a figment of his imagination.

Tristan finally clasped it and began, "You know, the ki-", he was cut off by Eloise already reaching for the door and saying, "We can get to our classes now. You better hurry."

"We have study hall together," Tristan said, laughing.

Eloise laughed at bit too before speed walking and saying, "Geller's waiting on me, gotta run!!"

She walked fast towards the library, not taking a second to look behind her.

He pulled away from me, he walked away from ME. The only thing he would have said would have been useless to me now.

Tristan watched her run down the hallway although she was trying to speed walk. Tristan watched her walk away, holding his breath at each slower step she took, hoping she'd turn around. But she didn't. She walked into the library, without a look back.

Tristan didn't understand why he felt this way.

She doesn't like me, is all that rang through his head. But the kiss kept on replaying in his head, making him go mad.

But if she truly wanted nothing to do with me, she wouldn't have kissed me back. She isn't that type.

He walked towards the library quick, hoping to find her somehow.

But once he opened the door, the door she just opened almost a minute ago, she was already sucked into the abyss of people.

Tristan looked both ways and caught no sight of her.

He dragged his feet to a table, resting his forehead on his hand, and he just sat there, staring at the blank pages of the book he needed to read and thinking about Eloise.

guys I have two important things to say but first, how are you liking the story?  I like hearing input from you guys <33 

I am gonna be updating much more as I am almost done with work and almost done with my SAT studying!!

also im in the process of putting together another Tristan fanfic with a different character as well as a different plot to it, it's gonna be very different than what you may be used to seeing!! Also my friend, -V4L3NTIINO is also in the process of making a story and id like you all to js know to look forward to those both!!

ily all sm and believe me, I wouldn't have been able to write this fanfic without you guys, I hope you all are safe and doing well!

ily all again <3

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