Finding the Right One

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AN: WOW I am so sorry for taking this long to update. It's been like a solid year, that's pretty sad. I hope to be posting more but I mean who knows there will definitely be a couple updates soon. I get out of school very soon so that'll help. Thanks to anyone who's still sticking with this story after all this time! Christmas in June?? That'll work I guess haha! Enjoy!!

They walked around this cute tree lot for a little bit. Sam held Andy's hand as they walked though the Christmas lighted tree lot as the snow came down. Sam was getting pretty cold, he'd never admit it to Andy but all he had was his North Face and work gloves to lift the trees. His ears were freezing.
"How about this one?" asked Sam as he help up a tree.
"Too fat," said Andy as Sam dropped it and chased after her. They walked around a little longer and Sam held up another tree.
"Too short," said Andy
"Oh really?" asked Sam as he ran up to her, grabbed her and spun her around. She laughed at him and pulled him in for a kiss.
They continued searching through that lot until they, more like Andy, finally found the perfect tree. She found it all the way in the back and when Sam held it up the smile on her face told him it was sold. The tree guys trimmed it for them and Sam put it in the back of his truck, and off they went.
Andy grabbed the tree stand and set it up in the living room. Sam hauled the tree in and started to fidget with it, trying to situate this "perfect" tree in the tree stand. After it falling twice, he finally got it and Sam set up a fire while Andy called in take out. After Andy got off the phone she joined Sam on the couch and snuggled in close. He put his arm around her and handed her a blanket. They put on ABC Family's 25 Days of Christmas and Christmas with the Kranks was on. They both love that movie. They snuggled up close and watched the movie until the doorbell rang. Sam went to the door and got the food. They had ordered Chinese food, Andy got a soup and Sam got sweet and sour chicken. He opened everything up and brought it all to the couch and they started to eat. They finished eating and watched a little more TV. Then they went upstairs to bed, it was early, but Andy had a doctors appointment tomorrow morning. Andy slipped on her pajamas and Sam put on his flannels and white t shirt. They both got in bed and kissed each other good night. Sam wrapped his arms around Andy, and they fell asleep. 💞💞

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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