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Connor and Chloe looks at each other, before the girl smirk. "Hehe, so what if I don't? I enjoyed it." Said the girl. Connor looks at her before approaching her, making the girl swing a punch, planning to hit Connor but Connor caught it and with ease, yanked her arm with enough strength that dislocated her shoulder.

The girl screams as she held her shoulder, screaming in pain. "I'll say it one more time...do you regret your actions? Lie again and I'll make sure your arms, legs, eyes, tongue or anything can work by itself." Said Connor. Chloe looks at Connor with a growl, before speaking. "No...I do not regret killing that bastard! And I never will!" Yelled Chloe.

"Alright...since your honest...I'll make it quick." Said Connor. "Make what--" The girl was cut off by her head being twisted beyond the limits snapping it. Connor looks at the girl as she lays dead. Connor then turns to the crowed. "Big bro! I'm done with your fucking game! I'm leaving and if I find you, I'm gonna rip you apart!" Yelled Connor.

Connor turns to the exit, exiting the arena and walked his way down the hall, each guard that approached Connor being killed by him.

Connor walked through the halls, when suddenly, he was hit by something. Connor makes a grunt as he slumped forwards slightly and then stood up straight, turning his head towards the person who hit him, to see a man in a lab coat and a gun that shoots darts.

Connor went to attack him, when Connor fell unconscious from the dart. The man smirks as he looks at Connor. "I got plans for you." Said the man.

Connor awoke strapped to a table, making Connor sigh, attempting to escape, but couldn't, due to his body still feeling weak, as if he's conscious but still under the affect of the dart.

Connor looks around, since he's head is the only thing he can move. Looking around, Connor saw that he was in some sort of room with chemicals on tables around him.

Just then, the door opens, revealing the man who shot him. Connor stays silent as the man walked to Connor, stopping when to his right.

"I see your awake." Said the man. "Who are you? Why am I here?" Asked Connor. "My name isn't important...as to why your here, is cause I wish to do something similar to big bro...make a monster." Said the man. "A monster?" Asked Connor. "Yes...I'm sure you met him...he's large and has the same healing as you and big bro." Said the man. "Tom..." Connor mutters.

"Ah, so that was his name." Said the man. "So, what were you saying? About making a monster...can I know more of that?" Asked Connor. "Why not? You see, your healing makes you, big bro and that monster a threat...which got me thinking, what if their is a way to upgrade or kill you...making me want to run these tests to see if its possible to kill you or make you a monster worse then Big bro's and make you controlled by me." Said the man.

"Huh...and big bro knows of this little stunt of yours?" Asked Connor. "Nope...at least not all...I told him I'm studying you to see if there's a way to kill you, the rest he doesn't know." Said the man. "Well, you better pray this place has no cameras, or your fucked." Said Connor. "Indeed it does not, I removed any camera here." Said the man.

Connor stays silent, not asking things further. The man smirks and begins. From that moment on, Connor was experimented on again, the man making sure that he is stabbed with darts every now and then so Connor doesn't regain the strength to break free.

A few days past and thanks to the test on Connor's healing cells. he fired out that there is a way to kill him, making him report to big bro on that, informing him it's possible to die if every cell is destroyed, given him the advantage to not be killed.

Since Connor knew first hand since he over heard the notes on his first experimentation, he knew and thought of something before hand in case he loses all his cells, but seeing as big bro knew, it be even harder, though he didn't care too much since he wants to know a way to kill big bro slower and more painfully for his crimes first.

Connor: Vol 15Where stories live. Discover now