Michiru's Return

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"Inuyasha just got here, we'll be on our way soon."

Kagome sent the message from her phone. It had been a few days since she received Michiru's text about what he had discovered and now she couldn't keep herself from smiling. Inuyasha was just sitting against a wall in the Higurashi residence watching the girl pace around.

"You sure seem to be in a good mood, I don't think I've ever seen you this excited to go back," the half-demon remarked.

"Well, let's just say something special happened while you were off seeing Totosai."

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?"

Before Kagome could reply, her cell phone made a noise. The girl immediately flipped the device open and read the message she had received.

"Perfect, I'm just starting to pack my things now. See you soon!"

A smile would cross her lips again before she went to a closet and pulled out a black baseball cap with a red visor. The half-demon would then let out an annoyed grunt as Kagome put the hat on his head.

"Hey! What's this for?!"

"Oh calm down, we just need to go somewhere first before we leave. And we can't have those ears of yours visible in public, it'd cause a scene!"

"Go somewhere? Wait, why do I need to go with you? We should be heading back!"

Kagome would sigh, frustrated, "Would you just trust me? This is something I know you're going to like. Besides, you don't really have much choice because you need to be there."

Inuyasha would just blink a few times in confusion, not understanding what Kagome meant, "Uh... okay?"

After leaving the house, Kagome would pull Inuyasha onto the next bus heading toward her destination. During the ride, however, the half-demon would eventually get frustrated and scowl.

"Hey, Kagome, where the hell are we even going, anyway?"

The girl would just turn to him with a knowing smile and a wink as she held a finger to her lips, "You'll find out."

After passing a few more stops, Inuyasha's annoyance was building again, but just before he could yell at Kagome...

"Next stop: Kururugi Shrine... Kururugi Shrine... Please ring the bell if you want to get off." The bus's automated alert went off.

"Huh? Kururugi...?"

The half-demon's attention was caught by the stop's name before hearing a bell ringing, turning his attention to Kagome only to see she had pressed the nearby button, a gentle smile still on her face. His eyes slowly widened in realization and his expression softened as he grinned.

"So he did it, huh? Gotta say, this is a nice surprise."

The pair of time travelers would step off the bus once it stopped, now finding themselves in front of the steps leading to the Kururugi Shrine.


Inside his room, Michiru, who was wearing his usual school uniform, was putting some items into a rather large backpack. Not as big as the one Kagome hauls around so often, but still bigger than a Junior High student would normally be seen carrying.

"Let's see... That's all my school stuff, a few treats for Shippo... Hmm, I wonder if Kohaku would be interested in trying some? Well, no harm in asking," the boy talked to himself before closing the bag. "Yeah, that should about do it."

He then turned his attention to his desk, particularly at a framed picture that was sitting on it, and smiled softly at it. The picture in question was a painting featuring Michiru along with Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippo, Miroku, Sango, and Kirara, but it was drawn on what appeared to be a leaf seemingly made of paper and was something a passing painter did as a favour for the boy when he found some growing in a field in Kaede's Village. The painter had apparently been looking for the Paper Leaf for some time and accepted one request of the boy in exchange for the bundle of leaves.

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