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I saw that new guy staring at me. He looked at me. I instantly thought: "what did Felix told him about me?"
but to my surprise, he didn't look at me with fear. He wasn't scared of me. "what did Felix told him about me" question came to my mind again as i looked into his eyes. It felt weird and I wasn't used to this. People were too scared to look me into eyes, but he wasn't. He even looked like he was....enjoying it? "Does he enjoy looking into my eyes?" I asked myself. Then it just became awkward to me, so I looked away. But why was I feeling like....that?


I kept staring into his eyes. Felix told me he was cold and mean, then why did I feel warmth coming from his eyes? He also kept looking at me. I saw he was getting confused, after that, it was kinda awkward, but I kept staring at him. I kept mesmerizing his eyes, until he looked away. That got me from my trance and looked at the teacher telling us about what's gonna happen in the first week.

the bell rang and Felix took my hand. He wanted me to meet his friends

we walked to the musculars guys desk and the on the left started talking to me: "so, you're new here?" from the things Lix was saying to me, this guys name was chan
"yeah, I moved here like month ago" I told him

"so you're new in town?" the guy who was sitting in front of Chan turned around. This guy is supposed to be jeongin.

"yeah, kind of" I told him

"we should all go into cafe together, after the school finishes, you don't really have friend here, right?" said hyunjin. I remember this guys name, cuz I know how Felix was looking at him.

"y-yeah, not really..." I said

"so the cafe it is. You have time today, right?" hyunjin said

"yeah I do" I told him, feeling little excited to make some new friends

"we're all in, right?" Chan made sure everyone was coming

all 6 noded and after the second lesson we went together to the nearest cafe, laughing on the way, as we we're getting to know each other

I really liked them, and I think they liked me too. I can't wait to tell my little sis about this day, and how good it was thanks to her waking me up while jumping on my bed. When she does this, I always have good day

as we were walking into the cafe, I noticed how Felix was still staring at Hyunjin, but when he noticed, he looked away and acted like he was talking with me. "Could he be even more obvious?" I asked myself while laughing at Felix and how adorably stupid he was

then we arrived at the cafe

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