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The teacher was talking about the presentation. We had to present it tomorrow. Me and Minho had it almost finished, but we still had to do some changes. When the class ended I walked up to Minho. I was trying to act like nothing happened.

"Hey, we need to finish the presentation. How about you take Ari and come to the cafe I work at? We can work on it there."

I really hoped my voice didn't sound that nervous.

"Yeah, okay." he said, without looking at me.

I then went to Felix and hyunjin. They were talking about something.

"So, do you have your presentation done?" I asked them

"No, we haven't even started. We need to make it today." Felix said

"Holy shit, good luck with that, it took us a REALLY long time."

"We're fucked." Hyunjin said and looked at Felix.

He just nodded.

They are so stupid.

The day went smoothly and I was soon at the cafe. There was this girl who came every day and she looked really shy when she was talking to me.
She came in, avoiding my eyes. I smiled at her and asked her what she wanted.

"Just iced coffee....please" she said, finally looking at me. I smiled at her and she shyly smiled back.

I made her the coffee and she asked me:

"I'm sorry, will you give me your number?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't really give strangers my phone number, but we can become friends first." I smiled at her.

She looked little disappointed, but then her eyes lit up.

"We....can become friends?" She asked me to clarify

"Yeah, I don't really have too much friends, so..."

"Okay, I will come back tomorrow so we can talk, friend." She said with a smile and left

I then noticed Minho and Ari standing there in a corner. There were no customers now, so I went up to them.


The school ended and I went to pick up Ari. She was really happy to see me and told me the new gossips. When we walked to the cafe, there was a girl standing in front of jisung. He was smiling at her. I then looked at her. She was so nervous to even look him into his eyes.

Wait......does that mean something?

"I'm sorry, will you give me your number?" she asked him

she said what now?!

"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't really give strangers my phone number, but we can become friends first."

become friends?!?!

She looked little disappointed, but then her eyes lit up and she looked at jisung

"We....can become friends?" She asked

"Yeah, I don't really have too much friends, so..."

You have me, jisung. Why need anyone else?

"Okay, I will come back tomorrow so we can talk, friend." She said with a smile and left

It made me feel so angry.
He then finally noticed us and came up to us.

"Oh, are you standing here for a long time?" he asked

"nope." Ari said and she jumped on jisung. he caught her and hugged her.

"Should we work on the project?" He asked with a smile

The same smile he just gave that girl.

He sometimes went to the bar if someone came in. We finished the work and I could tell that jisung was really tired. When it was time for him to close the cafe, we finally went home. He carried Ari on his back, because she already fell asleep. When we finally came home, jisung put Ari into her bed and he walked downstairs, laying on the couch.

"Do you want something to drink? Or eat?" I asked him

"No, not really." he said really tiredly.

I poured water for myself and I drank it. I then went to jisung. I noticed he fell asleep. I chuckled and put a blanket over him. But just as I was about to leave, I noticed his sleeve was little rolled up. I then noticed something. I took his arm and I saw it.


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