Plane crash

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(hey readers if you find any of the chapters are different, I'm rewriting them to be a bit longer and editing to the best of my ability.)

I was absolutely ecstatic, today was the day that I would be on my way to para. You've probably never heard of this place but it's located in Brazil and it's so exciting to be able to even step foot in Brazil. Oh yeah, I almost forgot my uncle is the one who invited me to spend my time in para. He's a anthropologist and the site he's currently working on uncovered an early civilization of what appeared to be mainly females. Now you're probably asking why would he invite me to his work when it's clearly nothing a normal teen would be interested in? Well for one i'm not a normal teen I like learning about the past , and my uncle thought it would be a perfect opportunity for me to write my college essay about. It's also not the first time that I've spent the summer with my uncle, since his travels take him all around the world he usually invites me to come spend my summer with him. And it's not boring at all I spend my time exploring the local culture and it's so much better than staying at home.

When they called to board the plane, i was nervous about it. I've flown on planes before but I never had to fly in a cargo plane before, it was weird because there was probably about eight other passengers and the cargo was right behind our seats. Never have i imagined what would happen if the plane crashed but all I could imagine was the big crates of cargo coming loose and squish me alive. Of course it was just my wild imagination so I ignored it and got ready for the long flight. I wasn't expecting to doze off but I guess I was tired from the excitement of going somewhere new. I woke to the announcement that we had just passed over state of amazonas and would be nearing our destination soon. Then out of no where the plane started shaking, and worried i tightly gripped the arms of my seat.

"just turbulence folks, no worries," the pilot announced over the intercom. 'slight turbulence my ass.' i thought looking out the window. The plane began to shake again and I watched as smoke started coming out the engine and you could hear them sputtering. I gripped the arms of the chair as the oxygen masks dropped down. "Everyone remain calm and don't panic!" Of course no one listened and was panicking as the plane started to tilt downwards. People scrambled to grab onto anything within their reach as everything started sliding forwards. Everyone was screaming as the captain announced "we're going down!" and then the plane crashed. Everything was fuzzy, I couldn't really make out anything and my ears were ringing, why was my ears ringing. Through the fuzziness that was my vision I could see the plane or pieces of the plane that was all over and on fire. I could feel something dripping down my face as my vision started to darken. I reached out hoping that maybe someone was nearby as everything faded to black.

(Hey guys, I hope you like the update, I tried really hard to make the chapter longer and a bit more detailed.)

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