my responsibility

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A/N: wow ummm... thanks for the vote for this book actually thought it wouldn't be read by anyone. Oh also Gay Marriage is legal! Its was declared unconstitutional for Gays to be rejected of marriage . So all my support goes out the LGBT community.

Artemis's pov
As soon as we got back to the village we rushed the girl to melody our village doctor. She immediately took her in and started her work. Meanwhile Anastasia had raan to Amazon to tell her what I had done. Bringing an outsider to the village is strickly forbidden. I was summoned to her majesty Amazon's quaters. Walking in I kneeled before her, bowing my head. "Artemis is it true you have brought an outsider to our village ?" Amazon said in a kind commanding tone. "Yes Queen Amazon it is true." I said keeping my head bowed. "What reason have you to bring an outsider?" She questioned. Hmmm what reason did I have? All I remember is seeing the girl ob the ground badly heart and my heart beating fast, and a fluttering feeling in my stomach. "My Queen I don't know but I felt as if I must help that outsider when my eyes layed sight on them." Surprisingly I heard the queen giggle. I looked up at Queen Amazon. "Something funny my Queen?" I questioned. "Oh no nothing at all. I came up with what to do with you and the outsider." I looked up at her confused. "Yes what is it my Queen?" She stood up for all gathered to hear. "You will have the responsibility of watching the outsider. You will train her in our ways and learn from her also." I stood protesting. "My queen what about all my other responsibilities?" She smiled looking at me. "You'll still be head of the guard, but your job of training the younger sisters of our village will be handed over to Anastasia. Now no more arguing leave now." I bowed to the queen and walked to the medical hut where the outsider was. I was strangely looking forward to seeing my new 'responsibility'.

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