Chapter 23

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I go down to the kitchen and see some maids cleaning. "Morning." I smile. They reply back and I walk towards Ezra's office and knock on the door.

There is no answer so I peek my head around the door and the room is empty.

I pull out my phone and text him.
'Hey where are you? Xxx' '
I've just nipped out, what's wrong? Xxx'
'Nothings wrong, just came to see if I could borrow one of your cars. I fancy a fresh croissant and a hot chocolate for breakfast. Xxx'
'Ok Tesoro, if you enter my our room, in the closet at my side where my aftershaves are, they are hung. You'll find them. Xxx'
'Ok, thank you. I will take somebody with me, don't worry. Xxx'
'Thank you Tesoro, ring me if you need me. Xxx'

I tell two guards where I am going and I get a notification telling me that Ezra sent me €100. I smile at my phone before going and getting some keys. I drive the car out of the garage and the bodyguards follow me in a different one.

We reach the bakery and it did not disappoint. I buy them both a coffee and a pastry. I allowed them to sit at the same table as me. We all took in the fresh air and a few hours later I was ready to head back to the house. We head home and I sing my heart out in the car.

We reach home and I put the car back into the garage before heading inside. I enter the front door and walk towards the living room. Ezra is sat there with a huge bunch of roses. I am talking hundreds. "Wow, they are beautiful!" I exclaim. "Not as beautiful as you are." He smiles. He walks over towards me and hands me them. I place them to the side of my hip and wrap one arm around him. I smile at him.

"Happy birthday Tesoro." He says kissing my forehead. "How did you know?" I look up at him. "There's nothing I don't know about you." He smiles before hugging me again. "Thank you." I exhale. He walks me towards the dining room. I gasp when I see how beautiful the room is done up. Candles, dinner, wine, music. I place my flowers into a vase that was already prepared and Ezra pulls me a chair out.

I sit down and he pushes the chair in a little before going to his seat. It was my favourite. A Sunday roast from when I lived in England. We both ate and Ezra agreed that was an amazing meal. We laughed and talked and drank wine. "I'll be back in a minute." Ezra said excusing himself. The lights that went off and Ezra entered holding a heart shaped cake that was tangled themed and decorated in candles. I hold my chest and gasp.

"Buon compleanno a te. Buon compleanno a te. Buon compleanno cara Mia bella Aurora. Buon compleanno a te." He smiles as he places the cake I front of me. ("Happy birthday to you. " "Happy birthday dear my beautiful Aurora. "")

I blow out the candles and he turns the lights back on. "Thank you Ezra. My heart is literally so warm." I say standing up to kiss him. His soft smile is so big and I hug him. "You are very welcome Tesoro." He smiles before handing me a basket of beautifully wrapped gifts. I sit back down and he sits at the side of me. The basket is on my knee and I start unwrapping the gifts. Champagne, chocolates, a candle, perfume. I awww at all my presents but when I open the next one I gasp. It was a beautiful diamond necklace.

"Wow, that looks so gorgeous." I say cautiously taking it out of the box. I hand it to Ezra who has a big smile on his face. He moves my hair out of the way carefully and puts it around my neck. Afterwards he places a kiss on the back on my neck. I turn around and kiss him on the lips. "You shouldn't have." I sigh. "Shut up. You're my wife, my love, my life." He giggles. I try not to smile but it's impossible. I look over to the cake, "this looks gorgeous as well."

The songs are still playing in the background and our wedding song comes on. I jump up and hold my hand out. Ezra grabs it and kisses it. "No silly." I laugh. "Let's dance." I giggle. He sighs and stands up holding my waist as I hold his shoulders. We sway in each others arms and kiss occasionally. It was beautiful. I really didn't deserve him. "I love you." I said. "I love you more." He smiles. "No." I smile back. "Shhhhh Tesoro, you aren't winning this." He laughs.

The next morning I wake up and Ezra is still fast asleep. He has another hour before he has to be awake. I lay awake thinking about last night. It was perfect. What is funny is I know his birthday as well. I smile to myself.

The hour soon passed and his new alarm clock was going off. He awoke and turned it off. "Morning pretty boy." I smile. "Good morning Tesoro." He smiles cuddling into me. The five minutes of peace is disrupted when he sits up and starts to go and get ready for work. He's in the bathroom and I go and stand in the doorway. "I'm going to the mall today because Fernando is back tomorrow. I'm going to get him a baby basket." I smile. "Your soul is too pure Tesoro, I love it." Ezra smiles spitting out the toothpaste. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his credit card with a smile. I take it, "thank you." He kisses me and heads to work.

I get dressed after breakfast and head to the mall with some guards. I grab a congratulations card, nappies, wipes, bottles, dummies, vests, a teddy, a bottle of wine, chocolates, relaxing bubble bath and a candle. On the way home I grab some fresh flowers. When I get home I arrange it so it looks pretty in the basket. I add and bow and write in the card. All ready for tomorrow. I look at it and smile.

The day passed surprisingly quick and I found myself sat on the sofa watching tangled yet again.

Ezra's POV:

I enter the kitchen and see the cute basket Aurora had put together for Fernando. She is so cute. The maid was kind enough to tell me where Aurora was, she was watching a film in the living room. I enter and I obviously see tangled playing. I see her head rested in the arm of the sofa. I walk over to her and my beautiful Aurora had fallen asleep. I sweep her hair out of her face and tuck it behind her ears. I place a kiss on her head before scooping her up in the blanket she had fallen asleep in.

I know she tried to stay awake for me but I failed her. My work was just stupidly busy today and the amount of people I killed was unspeakable. But when she is near and in my arms I forget everything apart from the fact of how crazy I am about her. She is my life. I don't know what I'd do without her.

I lie her down in bed and realise she is in jeans. I sigh, knowing I'm going to accidentally wake her up. I unbutton her jeans and try to gently wriggle them over her hips. I manage to gently pull her out her jeans. I walk away into the closet and pull out some pyjamas. I put them on her and take her out of her top because she looks even prettier in my top. Once my top is on her she clings to it and curls up in a ball. A light smile lights her face and that warm feeling enters my heart again.

I get dressed for bed and cuddle up to her. She wraps her arms around me and I kiss her head. "How was work?" She asks sleepy. "Very shit." I reply. She giggles and it makes the muscles in my face move into a smile. God I can't stop smiling at her. Ever. I love her so much.

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