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we went inside the cafe and ordered our drinks. I saw cheesecake and I knew I had to get it. Others picked something too. "okay, you can go sit. We will bring it to you in a while." the waiter said with a smile and we went to sit to a free table. As I started to know them, I noticed how good of a friends they are to each other. In a while they brought our drinks and cakes. We were laughing all the time. Chan then said a joke, no one really laughed. When Seungmin said a joke, we were all spitting our drinks and dying out of laughter.
Chan looked offended and said: "why didn't you laughed at my joke?"
"Cause you are old." Seungmin said
this went on and on and at the end it looked like seungmin and chan was about to fight each other.
after i ate a little bit out of my cheesecake, I realized I'm not really hungry, so I gave the rest to Felix, who gladly took it.
The guys were asking me questions to get to know me better. They were casual questions which you ask when you want to get to know someone. But then changbin asked me: "What about your family? Where do you live?"
I really did not want to tell him I lived in an amazing house with my dad who was a politician, my mom and my sister, until my dad decided he didn't want us anymore and threw us into one of his small house in a town a lot far away from him.
So I just said: "oh.. I live with my little sister and mom in a small house like 10 minutes from here."
"what about your dad?" Chan asked

I was praying they will not ask about him. I got anxious, I really did not want to talk about him. I started playing with my fingers and said: "he....died"
which wasn't exactly lie, he was dead to me

the guys were looking at me with simpathy, after that, they didn't ask about my family and I was glad

we were there talking maybe another hour, when jeongin said: "guys I have to go now"
we all agreed to go home after that

when I came home, my sister was running towards me. I picked her up and spinned her around. I then went to say hi to my mom. I told her about my friends and how amazing this day was.
"I'm going to take a shower now" I said afterwards.

I went to the bathroom and locked the door. As the hot water was running down my body, warming me, I remembered that guy's eyes, and how warming they felt. I didn't know why was I thinking about it, I just was, and I didn't fight it.


I went home when the school ended. As I was walking I kept replaying the eye contact with the new guy. I kept thinking about the way he was looking at me. It was new to me. I still didn't understand it.
I stoped, when I saw I arrived to my house. I unlocked the door and saw my sister wasn't there. It was 13:20, so it was obvious she was still at work. I made myself some tea and went to my room. I lay down on my bed and looked at the ceiling. I was thinking for a while and then I fell asleep. I was woken by my sister, when she unlocked the door. I heard she was with someone and she was kissing them. I heard a little laugh. I checked the time, it's was 1:34 am. I heard my sister say: "shhhh, my brother is asleep."
This was pretty common, so when I heard them make the way to her bedroom, I just putted my headphones in and lay down again.
I hated my life at this point

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