11. "We'll Be Studying Here Deputy"

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Angelo waved at me and I reciprocated but not with the same vibe, how would I? He just saw me salivating Asher! Oh gosh this is not okay

I stood outside for like five minutes getting myself together, if I went inside Oletta would obviously read me like an open book just like Angelo Jnr

This is not okay

It's obvious I'd eventually like Asher, I mean who wouldn't! Who would look at Asher and not fall for him, I mean his smile is to die for and his chilled off vibe?

He even knows he's attractive

My gaze found its way to the culprit of my rapid breathing a few minutes ago, he sat there nonchalantly oblivious of his surroundings

Unlike him Angelo was looking at me with his eyes dancing with amusement, that was my queue to escape to the house

I don't think I can handle one more of his look of mockery

There was noise in my house immediately I opened the glass door, how I hadn't noticed it before I have no idea

I guess I was too caught up with what happened outside

I walked slowly deep inside wondering how Oletta managed to bring a bunch of boys in my house

My face turned into surprise then a full blown out grin when I saw my boys

"Aaaaaye look who decided to show up at her house!" Rhys shouted

The boys all cheered when they looked my direction

"Heyyy" they all said in unison

"Oh my gosh guys" I giggled in joy

Calvin was the first I hugged since he was in my kitchen eating my food

"Hey Deputy"

I giggled "Hi"

I walked to the living and gave my Cayden a two seconds hug

"What are you guys doing here" I grinned hugging Rhys

"Hey there little ex"

"Will you ever let that go Rhys" I laughed


We smiled at each other

Rhys is a year younger than me, that didn't stop me from liking him when I was ten. Everyone knew I liked him and I wasn't ashamed to show it

I don't quite remember how we ended up in his room when my mom and I visited his place, we kissed, like a two seconds peck nothing serious


Rhys is my first kiss, we liked each other for a while but we never did anything about it. I think we didn't know what happens next after liking each other that time

Eventually our feelings passed and now he just teases me about our weird kissing memory

Malachi pulled me towards him for a bear hug causing me to giggle

"Flirt later" he said

"We weren't flirting!"

He hummed

"How're you" I pulled away

"I'm good, you"

"Good" I smiled and we sat down together

Rhys and Malachi are uncle Liam's kids, he has five children. Rhys, Malachi, Micah, Nelly then Amara

Micah, Nelly and Amara are in my little sister's school so I doubt I'll be seeing any of those teenagers this side

My brothers, Rhys and Malachi have always been best friends, they are a true definition of best buds for life

They love each other like siblings, I mean aren't we all at the end of the day. Our parents have been friends since college, it was bound that we be friends for life and no one was going to stop that

"Father didn't tell you?" Cayden brought me out of my reverie

"About what?"

"We'll be studying here deputy"

My face paled

"Wait you were serious?"

"That doesn't look like an excited face" Rhys pointed out

"Aren't you happy we're here?" Calvin asked

"Why are y'all suddenly coming this side?"

Calvin laughed "did you plan on doing something despicable this semester?"

"What? I don't do despicable things on campus" I narrowed my eyes at him

"I think you should start" Rhys said "have a little fun Little ex, you won't die"

I shook my head in disapproval

"Fine at least get yourself a boyfriend" Calvin walked in the living room and plopped down on the couch next to Rhys

"For once I agree with Cal, forget about finding the worthy prince sister, that only exists in books"

"Don't listen to them" Malachi muttered

They all ganged up against him immediately he said those words, they booed him and disagreed

"Why are y'all so obsessed with me getting a boy though"

Calvin shrugged

"Maybe because you've never had one?

I narrowed my eyes at him

A chuckle broke out of someone's throat and my heart sunk

"Patience boys"

I turned and found Angelo walking towards us

"She'll get herself a boy soon"

"Soon?" Cayden asked

Angelo smirked as he eyed me, I gave a 'shut up' look but he just ignored me and sat next to Cayden

My heart began to race as Angelo gazed at everyone, man I've never felt anxious in my life about anything but I was inwardly sweating right now

If this guy mentioned 'Corrine' and 'Asher' in the same sentence and putting the word 'like' in the mix I'm dead

I don't know how my brothers will react

They've fought with Asher and his brother in the past, a few fights to be specific. Who knows what's going to happen if they learn I'm their nemesis partner and worse, I low key like him

At this point, Asher feels like a forbidden fruit

"Our Corrine here-"

I looked at Angelo

"-likes somebody I know"


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