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he was laughing, so I asked him:
"why are you laughing?"

he didn't answer, he just came inside and signaled me to come in, so I did.

His house was simple, really pretty. Not so big tho. jisung then looked at me. "I'm really sorry, I didn't realized it was Wednesday." he apologized to me.

"that's okay, I don't mind." I answered.
He looked at me little confused. Then Ari called jisung. He signed me to come too. We went to Ari's room.
"Come play with me oppa! Minho can join too!" she said with a smile. Jisung looked at me and whispered in my ear: "I promise it will be for a while, until my mom comes back."
I nodded and we sat at her little table. She gave us some hats, sunglasses and beads. We had a tea party together.
"here you go, minho" she said as she was pouring me a cup of tea ( there was nothing, but still ),
"oh thank you so much, dear" I told her and tried to act like the British people. Jisung laughed at me, and I laughed at jisungs laugh. I had no idea why, but whenever he laughs, I want to laugh too. He's so adorable when he laughs...WHAT AM I THINKING?!?!
Fortunately Ari then hit jisung for laughing so disrespectfully at her tea party. Jisung got on his knees and begged for forgiveness. It was so cute as he was playing with his sister. We both looked like an idiots and if we went out, people would think we escaped some mental facility. Our tea party was a success, then jisungs phone rang. He stood up and went to pick it up, while I was playing with dolls Ari gave me.
He went back to us and told me:
"Okay, bad news. My mom will not come home today, cuz she got delayed at the hospital. I have to take care of Ari, so if you want, you can go, we can finish the project other day."

"Or I can stay here with you and we can do something when she falls asleep." I said

"o-okay, only if you want to" he said little confused.
I actually wanted. I enjoyed their company so much. I felt happy, this was different. We had so much fun playing with dolls and we had another tea party. This time she was talking about some girl named Yuri and how is she trying to steal the boy she likes.

"And Yuri knows I like him." She said
" *dramatic gasp* NO WAY!" I said dramatically.
"She's so wrong for that!" Jisung joined
she nodded and took a sip of a fake tea.
"and what are you going to do?" Jisung asked her
"well, what should I do?" she asked us
"you have to ask her and talk with her about it" jisung said to her
"no, no, no, you have to punch her" I said
"OH HECK NO!" Jisung said
"why not? It's effective." I said
"MINHO NO-" Jisung said
I just dramatically rolled my eyes and Ari laughed
"Ari, don't listen Minho here, talk with her, okay?" Jisung told Ari and she nodded. We listened more of her boy dramas and it was time to put her in bed. Jisung told me he will handle it, so I should just wait in his room. He showed me where it is and I went there. It's amazing how his room resembles his personality.


I putted Ari to bed, covered her up with blanket and she told me: "I really like Minho hyung, he's really funny."
"I guess he is." I said, still not knowing why people thought he was mean
"Can we see him more often?" She asked
"I will ask him later." I told her
she nodded and closed her eyes. I started singing to her. It's something I'm always doing. She fell asleep and i quietly walked out of her room


I heard jisung sang to Ari. His voice was so amazing. It sounded so sweet and I enjoyed it. It was doing something to me. My stomach felt like it's going to explode. He then quietly walked into the room

"I'm sorry you had to go trough this." he apologized

"it's okay, I really enjoyed it, I hope she will beat up that bitch who's trying to steal her boy" I said and jisung laughed

"I really hope not." he told me


After today, I can never say Minho is mean, or cold hearted. He played with my little sister, wore funny weird outfits on the tea party and my sister likes him. I just kept staring at him, trying to find something mean about him. I think I was staring too hard, because he asked me
"what are you looking at?"
"oh, nothing, it's just...."
I looked at him
"...people are calling you mean and cold hearted, but I just can't see it. When I first looked into your eyes. They were so beautiful and warm, I couldn't see any evil in them. And now, you were playing with little girl, wore ridiculous outfits just to make her happy. I don't understand why are people calling you mean."


Now I was the one staring. My stomach did that thing again. I had no idea what to do, or say, but then he just came to me....and hugged me.

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