Almost caught..

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[After a few hours, Fan got tired of sitting on the couch. He decided to walk back to his room. When he got to the door, he thought about something. He thought about how he enjoyed cutting Bot's metal. So, he walked to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. He starts walking back upstairs and heads to Bot's room. He keeps as quiet as he can so he won't wake Bot. He slowly opened the door and slowly closed it. He went up to Bot and got close to cutting them until..]

[test tube knocks on the door]

Test tube: Hey, Fan! Why're you in there?

Fan: Uhm..! Just-

[Test tube doesn't let him finished and just walks in. Fan hides the knife the best he can. Test tube looks down at him a bit suspicious]

Test tube: Why do you always have your hands behind you when you're near Bot at night?

Fan: uhm.. I- uh.. Because sometimes there's uhm- Bugs! Bugs in their room and I don't really like showing them to people because they can be pretty weird sometimes..!

Test tube: hmm.. Alright. I don't see why you would do that but if it's for Bot's safety then I suppose it's fine..

Fan: Good! I mean- uhm. Thanks!

Test tube: just try to be more quiet.. people are trying to sleep

Fan: even blueberry?

Test tube: Yes. Even blueberry.

Fan: that's surprising..

Test tube: Ahem. I'll be going now

Fan: bye!

[Test tube walks out. shutting the door gently]

Fan: phew..

[He then pulls out the knife from behind him. Slowly starting to cut Bot again. He does it a bit more hard this time. So Bot lets out a few noises but not too loud. When fan finishes, he goes back to his room.]

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