Chapter 11

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In Rathore mansion
Sakshi went to her room after completing all the work. She went to the washroom to fresh up. When she came out of the washroom she just sat on the bed and think about the things that happened today. She just remember when advik left to office without saying anything to her and she felt tears forming in her eyes beacuse she never like being ignored by advik. A tear fell from her eyes and roll on her cheek just than her phone started ringing. She wiped the tears and see the caller id and it was showing mom means the call was from her mother. She pick up the call and said, "hello". Her mother said,"I think that you just forget your mother na . Your are not even picking up my phone." Sakshi said,"no mama(mother) it's not like that . My phone just fell into the bathtub and it got damaged so I just cannot be able to contact you. I misses you alot." She replied in whisper as she felt like she will cry at any time. Her mother senses that her daughter is already very much sensitive and after hearing her she felt so sad so she just replied,"it's ok beta(daughter) I don't know that sorry ok and I miss you to princess. Did you pack your stuff because papa(father) will come to pick you up in the evening." Sakshi said,"no mama please send papa tomorrow to take me as you know advik ji is very much angry because of this so I have to do something to make him ready to send me there." Her mother said,"ok beta ,take care" as she know that son in law is very much possessive of their daughter. She just prayed that he will became ready to send her their as she misses her daughter alot. Sakshi replied,"bye mama". After cutting the call sakshi thought to take a nap then she will start thinking about how to make him happy and after that she also have to do packing. She lay on the bed and cover herself with blanket and went to deep slumber as she is very much tired and she also wanted to take some rest.

Advik entered in the house and saw his mother and father are sitting on the sofa and taking about something. He went to them and her mother saw him she said,"beta where did you went in the morning and today is Sunday so there is also not your office." Advik said,"ma I got a call and there was a meeting that needs my presence that's why I went to office." She Just nodded her head and said,"sakshi is in the bedroom as she is very much tired so she is taking rest." He nodded his head and turned towards his father and said,"papa there is a meeting that is going to take place in Paris so I have to go to Paris today's evening only." His father understand which kind of meeting he is talking about and said,"ok." Isha heard this and said,"what about sakshi you will not went with her on her sister's engagement ". Advik said,"no mom I will not go there." She said,"but beta she will feel sad when you will not go there with her and she was already upset in morning and after hearing this she will become more sad. You can't just postponed this meeting for some time.". Advik said, " no mom I can't postponed this meeting as this is very important meeting as it is very beneficial for our company and about her I will handle everything you don't have to worry about that." He went to his room and when he entered his room he saw his wife already sleeping. He went towards his bed and removed the blanket and saw she sleep in sarees only which is very uncomfortable. As he was going towards closet to take her nighty but then he remembered that he was angry with her in the morning. Then he again went close to bed and saw her . She was sleeping peacefully like nothing happened and here he is angry she didn't even care about that . Just thinking about this he gets more angry and slammed his lips on her lips and started kissing her like hell . He began biting , chewing, nibbling and sucking her lips . When sakshi felt pain on her lips she opened her eyes slowly and saw her husband sucking her lips. She didn't not stop him even she was feeling very much pain because she know that he was already angry and she didn't want to make him more angry. After ten minutes she cannot be able to breath properly and advik sense this leave her lips after giving her a harsh bite on her lips.

(Image her lips after kissing session)

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(Image her lips after kissing session)

He make her sit on the bed and body the back of his neck with his one hand and his other hand to her bare stomach and he started biting her neck and giving her hickeys on her neck and uper chest area and when he started opening her blouse she just stop him From doing that by holding his hand but one glare from him she leave his hand then he opened her blouse and bra and throw them and take her one bosom his hand and started sucking like a child and started giving her harsh bites on her chest and she was maoning his name and that made him more turn on . After sometime the milk started coming out from her nipple and he started sucking it.(as you all thinking that why there is milk coming from her nipples so guys advik made her eat medicine that help in making milk on her nipples.I don't know if it is true but i am just imagining thinks) after he was satisfied after drinking milk he left her bosom from his mouth and stare at her face. Her eyes and close and her lips were slightly bleeding and it was slightly parted as she was taking as much as air she can take because of their small makeout session .

(Just imagine the bite marks and a small breast not that small but smaller than this)

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(Just imagine the bite marks and a small breast not that small but smaller than this)

When he see his marks on her naked chest and neck he became satisfied as everyone one there in her mother's house will know that she belongs to him and no body else will try to make her their. As he do this intentionally to make her remember that she belongs to him and he can't believe people in her mother's house (maternal house).
He then said to her," I am going to Paris today's evening so behave like a good girl on your mother's house." When she heard this she said,"why are you going to Paris. Is it important?" while covering her uper body with blanket. He said,"yes there is very important meeting and there my presence is very important." She Just nodded her head with a sad face she bent her head down. Advik continue,"Don't talk to any male and don't touch something which can harm you. Don't wear something revealing,wear that type of clothes that will completely cover your body. Never get out of your house if it is not necessary and go with your family members if it is necessary and if you wanted something my mans will be present there you can tell them and they will give you. " She nodded her head while tears are threatening to come out of her eyes after thinking about him going to Paris. He said,"words love." She just replied with a small ok . Advik know that she is very much sad about him going to Paris so to make her happy he thought to give her a small cool bath to make her mind calm as he know that she loves playing in water. After Removing blanket from her upper body, he cover her body with her saree and went to bathroom.

Hye guys 😊 this is the longest chapter I have write beacuse one of my reader request me . So please consider my hardwork and support me
Bye and take care and stay connected to my story 😉
And sorry for late update beacuse my health is not good and I don't feel like writing in bad health but because you guys are continuously saying to update so i update this chapter

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