Welcome to the Darkness Dorm

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Jess POV
I followed Cassandra to one of the MANY archways in the school. It was black and white split right down the middle. The black side had dark blue and blood red swirling designs while the white had light blue and yellow swirls. It was very pretty in my opinion. Cassandra waved for me to follow her which I gladly obliged. Passing a seemingly invisible barrier I got an amazing surprise!
Before me stood the Darkness dorm building. It was designed like an old abandoned asylum!
"That's the darkness dorm, you're new home away from home," Cassandra told me, "and across from your dorm is mine, the Light Dorm," she pointed to a Victorian style mansion.
"Wow, that's a difference," I said looking between the two.
"Yeah but their practically the same. Only the darkness dorm is a little darker and more cryptic. Though these are the smallest dorms,"
"Why's that?"
"Not many people want to study Good and none vengeful magic. Nor do they want to study dark and vengeful magic. So it's a given we have the lowest amount of residents,"
Cassandra began walking away towards the Darkness Dorm, I followed in toe. It was hard to believe that we had the lowest amount of students. But then again. Darkness magic is hard to control, and from what I've heard same goes for light.
"So, I've been meaning to ask, your Princess Jessica from the darkness kingdom, right?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I'm surprised you don't recognize me. I'm Princess Cassandra of the light kingdom! We met as kids," she said.
Getting a good look at Cassandra I realized she was familiar. There was no doubt in my mind it was Cass!
"Oh my Gods! I haven't seen you in forever! How's Cash? Does he go to school here?"
"Haha, he's fine but no he goes to school at Rowens School for Young Knights. He said it's a blast there,"
"That's good to hear,"
Cass was about to say something else but a loud voice stopped her. "Why in the hell is there a LIGHT student in my dorm!?" Someone shrieked.
"Aw, crap..." Cass muttered.
On the staircase stood a pissed looking boy around my age. He had red/gold hair, fair skin, and green eyes. Slowly he began descending down the stairs ranting. "Princess Cassandra! I would advise you say out of my dorm. Light students shouldn't even step foot on the grounds!"
"Eadric, there's no school rule saying I can't come into the dorm. And even if there was I'm just showing a new student to her dorm room. Also for the last time, CALL ME CASSANDRA!"
The guy, 'Eadric', gave me the once over before snorting.
"You're pathetic, you possibly have no magical power,"
Glaring I huffed. "If that's so than you've gotta be worse off with nothing but an egotistical personally. It's kinda sad," I retorted.
He snorted again before leaving.
"Dickhead..." Cass and I said in sync.
Bursting into laughter she lead me up the staircase. The halls were dimly lit and the lights would flicker every so often. I felt at home but I could tell Cass was jumpy and uncomfortable. I linked arms with her causing her to jump slightly.
I smiled showing it was alright. She managed a weak smiled before pointing to one of the many doors.
"That's your dorm room. 113 on the second floor," she explained pulling out a black steel key and placing it in the lock. Opening it she let me in first.
"Whoa...." Was all I could manage to say.
The room was large (about the size of my room back home, maybe bigger) off to the right was my bed, dresser and such. Off to my left was a sitting area and a door that lead to a walk in closet. Best part was the whole room was black and white assented with purple and red here and there.
"Wow, so what the rumors said was true. The Light and Dark dorms weren't that different in room design," Cass murmured.
"Huh?" I asked
"Everyone said that the light dorms were much nicer furnished than the Dark dorms because we study pure magic. They were lying I see,"
"Never believe rumors. Only believe what you think is right,"
"Heh, well played Jess. Anyway I gotta get going but I will see you on welcoming day!" She said before turning and running out.
I smiled. Cass was my half sister and best friend (besides Annalisa). I hummed to myself unpacking my backpack and putting everything where it belongs. As I finished organizing my books on the half empty bookshelves there was a knock at my still ajar door.
"Yes?" I asked putting another book up.
"Just came by to see how you were, Miss Shadows," Eadric said walking in.
"I'm fine..." I responded walking toward my bed moving my laptop and tablet off to the side and taking a seat.
He moved so he stood in front of me.
"Heh, manners and looks but no personality. Such a shame," he smirked eyes narrow.
"I beg your pardon!?"
Without answering he grabbed my wrists and shoved me back onto the bed.
"GET OFF!" I screamed.
"You know you'd be an amazing prize of i took you right now..."
I froze, scared for what he was planning.
"But sadly this isn't the time..." He sighed before getting off me and walking to the door.
After he closed the door I sat up curling into a ball and sobbed into my knees.
"I hate you and I hope you die, Eadric!" I cried.

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