Chapter 37

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I was practically shaking in the spot I was standing in as Alec fumbled with his keys, trying to unlock the door to his house. He opened up the door and I booked it inside hearing his laughter come from behind me.

The door shuts and he run after me, making his way by my side. He kissed the top of my head, and I smiled as I looked down at the ground. "I swear it got like twenty times colder since we got here" I muttered as I walked to the living room, wanting nothing more than the fuzzy blanket I know he has stored in there.

It's sadly getting closer and closer to Winter. I hate winter.

Don't get me wrong, snow is so pretty. But I cannot stand freezing cold weather. I can't even handle it when it's sixty degrees out. That's too cold for me. I'll spend my whole day in sweats in that kind of weather.

However, I very much prefer winter clothes over summer clothes. They're just so much cuter and I just love sweaters. Who could ever hate sweaters? Or sweatshirts.

As soon as we stepped foot into the living room several pairs of eyes went towards us, and I froze in my spot.

Rafael tilted his head as his eyes squinted, not in anger or jealousy but in curiosity. Jayden smirked as he sent a look towards Dante. Dante was chuckling as he shook his head. They all definitely know what happened between us. Besides Elias who looked as clueless as one could be.

"Hey" I greeted them with an awkward wave. "Hi" Elias smiled as he got up from his spot and walked towards me, pulling me into a hug. "We were waiting for you guys. What was taking so long?" I blushed as I looked towards Alec who was looking smug. Elias furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at me confused. He glanced towards Alec then back towards me as he tilted his head.

Suddenly his eyes widen, and his mouth drops open slightly. "Ohh" he says as a blush shows up on his face. I blushed then looked down at the ground avoiding any and all eye contact.

"Anyways, we wanted to tell you that Elias is going to be staying with you this weekend. Me and the others have something to do that day" Dante tells me as I nod my head. Alec furrows his eyebrows as he sends a confused look to Dante.

"I didn-" Dante glares at him, making Alec stop talking and give him a confused look. Alec glances towards Elias as a look of understanding goes onto his face. "Oh" Alec mutters

I smiled as I walked towards Elias and sat down right beside him. "So, what are our plans? Watch Pitch Perfect?" Elias laughs as he shakes his head.

"It's a surprise" I frowned as I shook my head. "What is it with all of you and wanting to make everything a surprise?" They all laughed as I rolled my eyes. I'm definitely not a surprise girl. In fact, I'm not even close. I really like to know what's gonna happen, but I guess for them I'll let them keep their secrets. Only because every time they've surprised me it ended up good instead of bad.

"Alright now let's all get up because I've been craving cupcakes since this morning and you're all helping.'' There were groans of protest coming from all around me as I looked towards them. Elias was quick to get up with a smile and walk towards the kitchen.

The others looked way more hesitant. Jayden once again groans as he curls into the couch. "I'm tired" he complains, and I laugh as I shake my head. "Fine then you can stay lying down" He smiles as he closes his eyes.

"Just know that while you're lying down the others will get to see me bending down in these leggings, and I know how much you love them" He opened up his eyes as he looked towards me, he smirks devilishly as he looks me up and down. He stands up then makes his way towards me.

"Alright you've convinced me" I laughed as I shook my head. He makes it almost too easy. He walked to the kitchen, and I looked towards the others. "So, what do I have to do to get the rest of you off your asses?" I asked.

Rafael gets up and starts walking out of the room as he calls out to me. "Just make sure you give me a good view baby" I looked back towards the other two and raised my eyebrow at them. Alec laughs as he shakes his head then walks out of the room. "So, what do I have to do to have you make cupcakes with us?" I asked as I slowly walked towards Dante and straddled his lap.

He moves his hands around my waist as he grabs onto it. He leans in as he places his lips onto mine and I smile into the kiss. He pulls away as he pecks my lips once again. "You don't have to do anything. I'll gladly spend as much time as I can with you" I felt as my face started to blush causing Dante to smile.

"Now c'mon we can't keep them waiting for too long they'll turn into whining puppies" he tapped my waist and got up as I started to laugh knowing all too well that he wasn't wrong. Especially when it comes to Jayden and Elias. They're my cute little puppies.

I walked into the kitchen, Dante following along behind me.

As promised, I made sure everyone got a good look at my ass in these leggings, especially Jayden who was practically a dog in heat by the end. "Jayden" I giggled as his hands were wandering around my waist. He was nuzzling his face into my neck, kissing it. "Mhm?" he asks, too distracted to respond with words.

"The cupcakes are done," I told him, which he ignored. I looked towards the other guys who were sending each other amused looks. "I'd rather have something else to eat right now" He mutters into my ear, nipping it.

I hummed as I rested my head against his chest. "As tempting as that sounds, we have company" I whispered to him. "Trust me when I say this beautiful, they don't mind watching" He smirks as he looks towards them out of the corner of his eye then leans down to my ear and whispers. "I think they would even love to join."

Quick little chapter to try to help me get back to writing!! Sorry for the wait. Honestly, I lost so much motivation for this story and have been just so busy with college. I'm getting used to the workload in college now so I'm hoping soon I'll be able to update regularly. I never thought writing wattpad would help me in college, but I get essays done so quickly now. I finished one about when I was sexually assaulted in under an hour and it was like 2000 words.

College has made me realize how much of a loser I am. Everyone is just fucking and partying while I'm in my dorm listening to Taylor Swift, doing classwork, or sleeping.

Anyways it's been an eventful few weeks. My college just had a shooting the other week. I got a tattoo, and I haven't been to work in three weeks lol. So, I'm incredibly broke despite needing to pay for tickets for Florida soon. But I'm working on that. I was also just sick with a cold for like three weeks. I don't know if anyone else has been having that, but it's awful. I still have the cough but other than that I'm fine.

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