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I was in the kitchen, living with the guy I dated. I came up to him and told him:
"I want to break up."
he laughed, then he aggressively pushed his chair, walked up to me and slapped me really hard.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?? YOURE BREAKING UP WITH ME?!?!" THATS THE DUMBEST SHIT I HEARD!" he yelled as he held my arm tightly, not letting me escape.
"OKAY THEN, TRY AND FIND SOMEONE WHO WILL ACTUALLY LOVE YOU, YOU WILL FIND NO ONE!!" he yelled as he slammed me against kitchen counter.
I realized my nose was bleeding. I started to panic. "The guy who I love, is this guy? Is this how love actually looks? Is this all I deserve?" I started to think, as he slammed me against the counter again.
"If this is how love looks like, I don't want to love again." I said to myself as the pain ran through my body.


I woke up feeling extremely thirsty. I went down, trying not to wake Ari or Minho up. But when I went downstairs, I saw Minho sweating and turning all over, mumbling something for himself.
"That's not normal." I said to myself as I walked to Minho. I grabbed his hand to try calming him down. To my surprise, it actually worked. I held his hand and he was calm. I decided to stay here and make sure he sleeps well


suddenly I wasn't in that kitchen, I was on a tea party with Ari and Jisung, jisung begging Ari for forgiveness when he laughed disrespectfully at her tea party. Jisungs telling Ari to talk with her friend about the boy, while me telling her to punch her. Jisung hitting my arm for giving these ideas into her head. I was happy.

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