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My alarm went off, I have it set on every morning. I wanted to get up, but I felt something on my belly. I looked up and was shocked when I saw jisungs head laying on me. I also realized I was holding his hand. I wasn't moving. I was just looking at him, admiring him. His face was so adorable. I had no idea what to do, but then, his head started moving. He was waking up.


I woke up, my back hurts as hell, and I didn't want to open my eyes. When I finally did. I saw Minho looking at me. I got little confused why was I here, but it then all came crashing down: thirst, went downstairs, saw Minho having nightmare, held his hand, fell asleep.

"Good morning." Minho said and I nodded in answer.

"uhm...can you....tell me what are you doing here...and why I woken up into you laying on my belly?" Minho told me clearly confused

I was also confused.
"I laid on your belly?" I asked again to confirm

Minho just nodded

I then got up and told him:
"I was going to the kitchen for some water, but I saw you clearly having nightmare or something. I held your hand to help you calm you down, but I fell asleep in the process."

I explained.

Before Minho could answer, I heard Ari walking down the stairs.
"Oppaaa, what's for breakfast?" she asked tiredly.

She sat on the chair and I gave her some cereals. Then I turned to Minho
"Eat some too. I'm going to take a shower, you can take one after me."

Minho nodded.
"You're not gonna eat?" Minho asked

"I'm not hungry yet, help yourself." I told him, kissed Ari's head and went to shower

When we all got ready, we walked Ari to kindergarten. She hugged me and Minho, even tho he still didn't really react, then she ran inside with her friends.

"I hope she will beat that girl up." Minho said proudly


We then walked into school together. When I arrived in front of school, Felix immediately jumped on me and pulled me off to the rest of the boys, leaving minho behind, I felt bad, I really did.


"and he is gone. he went to his friends. He stayed with me during my nightmare, held my hand trough the night and now he's back into ignoring me." I thought for myself. I then went silently to my seat, already seeing him and Felix talking and laughing. It made me I wanted to be Felix....

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