chapter 13

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news anchor-"Rapper lil Durk found dead after apparent suicide in Atlanta. The rapper was found in a four seasons hotel room"

After Tylin and friends had completed the murder of tyquain. Tylin returned home to find out that durk had committed sucide via tmz.

As much as Tylin hated Durk after what he did he still couldn't escape feeling bad.he wanted to talk to Bryson about it but he knew he couldn't.

Bryson was almost killed because of Durk's behavior. And tylin now realized that he has a family of his own now. The next stage of his life would be moving on from the tragedy and getting closer to Bryson.

Bryson on the other hand. Did go out intending to kill Durk but wasn't surprised that he took his own self out. It made sense for him a man like Durk wouldn't be able to live with the guilt of knowing how he hurt the ones he truly cared about.

*Choppa's pov*

I walked up the stairs of Tylin's apartment building and paced the hallway before going in.

I realized that thru all this bullshit that mamas was pregnant with a little me. Honestly I just wanted to hold him right now.

But on the other hand a nigga was scared. I didn't want to fuck up and not do things right.

Tylin was unlike any other relationship I ever had he's not abusive like Tyquain was or even manipulating like Tyquain was.

And he not one of them stripper bitchs or hoe
You trick off on for pussy. I needed to learn how to be the best man for Tylin,laila and our baby.

Because honestly after all of this I need to unlearn so many habits of the past.



I heard small little foot steps and a yawn before I heard Tylin call out in a small voice barely above a whisper.

"who is it" - he asked

"mamas" - I said close to the door so he could hear

Very quickly I heard the door unlock and open
Tylin rushed into my arms i picked him his legs now wrapped around my torso.

"What took you so long to come back to me" he said still in his whisper voice

"I had to clear my mind,to be better for you mamas" - I said

"okay, I understand" he said

I closed the door behind us and carried him to the bedroom where he layed down on top of of me.

"Did you hear" - he said

"Yea, ain surprised tho" - I said adding a little laugh

"I talked to India" - he said

"Did ya-" - I asked

"No, I don't plan on it either" - he said

I understand why he doesn't wanna ruin her and the kid's memory of durk he knew that things were just better left unsaid.

"Ok, mamas we don't have to" - I said slowly rubbing his back

"Bryson" - he called out

"Yea,mamas" - I responded

"We're gonna be parents" - he said

"I know a nigga Been waiting for you to bring it up" - I said laughing

"I got so much I need to do before I drop a baby" - he said

"My album, my career, I'm keeping this baby because I-I-I" he stuttered

"Love you" - he said as I started to feel his tears come down on my shirt

"mamas you know I love you and laila more than anything in the world" - I said turning my back rub into a hug

"Bryson you gotta promise me one thing" he said

"Yea mamas"

"I won't be a single mother"

"I'm with you till death mamas"

*time skip* 🎧💿

/Instagram post/

Liked by thegirljt and 546,897 others
@tylinwest : I've been promising this album for a few months now! And I just wanna thank all of you who have held me down for the past few months before I reveal the album cover! I wanna announce the lead single titled "love tied" featuring @nlechoppamusic This Friday

thegirljt: so proud of you
nlechoppamusic: they ain't ready
Kingvonfromdao: gangly


Y'all tmrw chapter will be a lot longer then this I just kinda wanted to rap up that storyline because the next one will eat!!

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