Obedient like a dog

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They decided to be abstinent for a while. It had been a full month, six days and 3 hours.......he was keeping track.
He walked into the kitchen, shirtless. She was sitting at the table looking at some mail, eating some pancakes.
"Hey, y/n, do we have any cut strawberries for these pancakes?"
"Yeah, they're in the frid...." She glanced up as she spoke and froze at how he looked.
"H-have you uh....been working out more? You look bigger." She asked.
He had planned this perfectly, he knew she loved how his muscles showed. She knew him when he was all skinny and weak. She'd been watching him get to where he was now since day one. He also knew that she got desperate just watching him do simple things, because anything you do, activates muscles.
"I have. I haven't been doing any....hmmm what's the best way to say this....oh! That's right!! I haven't been doing any other physical activities, so I had to find a way to release it. I decided to try to break it today. It's been one month 6 days and 3......oh now 4 hours."
Her face got red. As submissive as she appeared, he had no idea that she had been doing research on how to make your bf submit like an obedient dog.

*after the day packed with cleaning and full of meetings*

They got back to their room.
"Ugghhh wearing heels all day hurts so baddddd." She grumbled as she plopped on the bed.
"You wanna unwind?"
She gently shook her head. He walked over still in his suit and tie. She got off the bed and grabbed his face in her hands.
It started off so slow and loving and gentle......as the kisses continued they started getting desperate and needy ——— both showing that they were hungry for each other. She grabbed his tie and kept him pulled in.
"Yes my love?"
"May I try being in control tonight....??" She asked, feigning innocence. He raised an eyebrow and smirked.
"Of course M'lady. Go when you chose"
She began to kiss him again, she then pulled away just slightly enough to move down to his neck. She started biting and sucking on the sensitive parts. She heard his soft whimpers start to show.
He started to pull away because he hated showing how weak she could make him. She grabbed his tie and pulled him lower down, just low enough for her to whimper in his ear: "You don't fucking move until I say, you said I was in control. Respect it or stay down. Understood?"
He felt all the blood rush to the sensitive areas, and his face stayed red.
"Y-y-yes m-ma-ma'am"
"Good boy, now fucking sit for me." He did as directed, but his legs were closed. She looked at him and and gently sat her palms on his knees.
"Can you be good for me and open up for me? Yeah? Good boy"
He felt his face get hot and his pants get tighter as she spoke.
She ran her hands up and down his inner thighs slowly. The amount of sensation he felt, was intoxicating.....and he was still fully dressed.
She positioned herself between his legs and reached up. She tugged on his belt.
His eyes widened, she had NEVER been so bold with anything. He began to fumble with his belt. When the belt was loosened, she slipped the belt off and looped his belt in such a way, that he was completely unable to escape her entrapment.
He wiggled his wrist a little to test it, and no matter what he tried, he was stuck.
She unzipped his pants and rubbed his already hard cock over his pants. She watched his subtle and lowkey reactions. Once his eyes rolled back, she slipped his pants off, leaving just the underwear now. She continued to rub.
He started to breathe heavier, and she heard very very quiet whimpers. He didn't make much sound every.........she was going to change that today.
She then took his underwear off, leaving just the tie and the shirt on. She looked up to see how he was handling this all, and she gazed on something she'd thought she'd never see.
His face was so desperate, his cheeks beyond red and she could tell that his breathing was ragged.
She kept looking up as she started to rub her finger in circles around his tip.
"Aweee how's my pretty boy doing for me? What are you thinking?"
"Mmmmmmmmmine. "
"Mine? Details please."
"I f-f-fucking want y-y-you to d-drain me.......please?" He desperately asked.
She reached up and grabbed his tie in her hands and pulled him close yet again.
With a cold intimidating face, all she said was, "yeah? I'll use you as I please."
He squirmed a little as she grabbed his dick as licked up the base slowly, slowing down as she reached the tip. She teased right under the head before licking back down the base. She did this for a few minutes, until she decided to take all of him in her throat.
She bobbed all of him down her throat and he almost came because of how bad he had been craving how her pretty mouth felt.
As he got closer, she stopped. She got up and started undoing the belt.
"Don't ask, just obey."
She finally finished undoing his capture, and all she did was point to the bed.
He did as she said and layed. He glanced up as she slipped out of her black cheeky's. How did he not notice those?? God her ass looked so good in those.
She made her way over to the bed and then sat on his lower stomach. He got hard at the thought of being in her after so long.....
She made her way to where his dick was in her mouth and she was sitting on his face.
He reached his hands up to secure her hips as he started licking and sucking, his focus on the clit. She started to give her famous desperate head, her specialty when she's very desperate. She was doing so well but lost focus as soon as he switched from stimulating the clit, to sticking his tongue inside her and fucking feasting. She stopped again once she heard his breathing, telling her that he was close.
She then made her way off his face and turned around to face him. Without warning she sat in such a way that she slammed down onto his throbbing cock, her soaking wet walls coating his dick her wetness.
They face he made was perfect. Just by consistently edging and denying, she was getting the desperation he was showing.
She stared to rock her hips forward and back. She grabbed his tie and pulled down slightly as she rode him.
She more sound he made, the more she pulled on his tie, and that drove him crazy.
"I-m-f-I'm c-c-coming" she stuttered out as she claimed around his dick, causing him to cum as well.
My pretty puppy did so good for me" she cooed. He grabbed her neck, "don't fucking puppy me."
She smiled the more he squeezed "maybe I want a round two, but with you in charge?" She said smuggly

*to be continued ig?*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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