you ran me over??

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Donghyuck woke up to the sound of quaint beeping and bright lights shining in his eyes. He groaned and shifted around, trying to get away from the light.

The light apparently had something against him as it was too bright to go back to sleep. He went to rub his eyes with his hand, only to be stopped by something tugging on what felt like his arm.

He gasped as he saw an iv right in his hand. He sat up abruptly, immediately regretting the action as a wave of pain went through his head.

He hastily looked around, slightly alarmed. Why was he hooked up to an IV? Why was it so bright? Oh god did he-

"You didn't die, relax."

His head snapped, finally registering the other person in the room. "Who the fuck are you?!" The girl was sitting in her chair with her arms crossed, clearly unbothered by Donghyuck's question.

"Why am I in this hospital?" He squinted his eyes at the girl. "Did you run me over?"

The girl chuckled, "Kinda."

Donghyuck's face went blank, he was not being serious.

The girl obviously found his expression entertaining as she started laughing, only making Donghyuck more irritated. "Um hello?! Mind explaining how you almost ran me over!?"

The girl huffed, running a hand through her hair. "Let's be clear, this is not my fault."

"You're kidding."

She shook her head, making herself more comfortable on the chair. "We are here because you're an idiot, not because I'm a bad driver."

Donghyuck scoffed, she was being ridiculous.

"Before you run your mouth, let me explain."

Wow, this girl was rude. If Donghyuck's head wasn't pounding he would've cursed her out.

"I was leisurely driving to the ice rink when I saw an absolute fool filming himself biking across a street." Regretfully that sounded like something Donghyuck would do. "I had the green light so I went, but you obviously weren't taught to look both ways before you cross the road so you went anyway."

Donghyuck just rolled his eyes at the attitude.

"Thankfully I stopped before I hit you, but you were so stunned you fell off your bike and hit the concrete." She looked to the sky like she was recalling a fond memory. "It was quite funny actually."

Donghyuck was fuming. Who does this girl think she is? She comes into the hospital room just to lecture him about looking before crossing a street, and proceeds to blame him for his probable concussion.

(Whether she was right or not, Donghyuck didn't question it.)

"You're incredible. How could you-"

"Lee Donghyuck?" Both of their heads whipped to the nurse walking into the room.

She eyed them both, her gaze settling on the girl. "I'm assuming you're Park Taemi?" Taemi nodded sweetly and she gave a smile back. If only she saw how much of a asshole Taemi was before she walked in.

The nurse took a glance at Donghyuck and his vitals, "How was he when he woke up?" She waited patiently, looking at Taemi.

"He seems okay, how do you feel love?" She glanced at Donghyuck with a soft smile but Donghyuck just looked at her with his eyes blown wide.

love?! Donghyuck knew he was doped up but he knew this couldn't be his imagination.

Donghyuck saw the girl he now knew as Taemi, walk over concerned (why does she look concerned she was making fun of him a minute ago.) "Hey, is something wrong?" Taemi caressed the top of Donghyuck's hand and he froze. "I- what?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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you ran me over?!? // donghyuck ffWhere stories live. Discover now