Story of my Life (chapt. 1)

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I was a loner who always had a life of unfortunate events ever since middle school. The only people that kept me from going into such a deep depression was Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande. I was bullied in middle School because i had a high voice and sounded like a baby whenever i talked.

A few years ago my grandparents died 9 days apart from eachother and my cousin the next year, along with my sisters best friends mom, and my dads best friend. My mom and dad are now seperating and all I need is just a little bit of happiness.

My best friend Kelsey is a belieber also but she goes to a different school and lives about an hour away. She also has beautiful blond hair and I have brown, so brunette vs. blond lol. Whenever she came over we talk about Justin and Ariana only.

When I share with the School i like Justin Bieber they always question me. But I answer them.

Katie straightened her brown hair early this morning but walked up to me in the halls 3 minutes before the bell rang. "Sarah!"

"WHAT?!" I yelled dropping my books in surprise.

"Tomorrow is your birthday! Cinco De Mayo baby!" She sounded thrilled. My plan was to bring cookie cake to school to share with my friends.

Katie didn't mind Justin Bieber but she didn't idolize him. Katie's more into gulf and is going on a European Gulf Tour this Summer. She was invited to go to school in Germany and finish out her high school year there but she turned down the offer since exams were only 3 weeks away.

"I know! But please do me a favor and DON'T get me anything!" I yelled, louder than i expected.

"OK! OK! GIRL I GOT YA!" Katie responds, raising her hands as if I were about to attack her.

"Good now we gotta get to class ok?!" I closed my locker, and walked away from the lockers heading toward my class. Katie followed. I thought to myself 'my 16th birthday will be lowkey'.

Boy I could not have been more wrong.

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