Chapter 1

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Standing in front of my house right now is my somewhat of a companion; Caera Denoir.

"We need to talk."

"Caera, you can't just keep coming here too frequently. At least have the decency to tell me so no one would spot us, and that just happened."

I pointed towards the corner leading to the other hallway from where someone was seen barely peeking at our conversation. They quickly scrambled to their feet and ran away.

"But it's urgent." She replied with a frown.

What could be so urgent? Did they find out we stole the relics?

"..Come in." I groaned.

We sat down on individual sofas beside the game table, opposite of each other.

"..My mentor wants to see you."


"Please don't tell me you told her that I could wield aether.." I frowned.

"But she's keeping it a secret! At least as far as I've told her.. but I can guarantee that she won't tell anyone else for now, or ever. Meeting my mentor might better the chance no?"

"But why would you tell her in the first place Caera? Do you want me to kill you?" I said with cold intent.

Caera stiffened, but remained composed nonetheless.

"Im.. sorry. My mentor said she's familiar with you. I'm not sure how, but-" "Tell me her name." I stated plainly. Who could her mentor be? Someone who's familiar with me? In what way? Were we enemies?

"The Scythe of Sehz-Clar.. Scythe Seris Vritra."

A Scythe? More than that, the name sounds oddly familiar.

Seris..Seris.. where have I heard that?

My mind went back to search for anything I remembered about this.. Scythe. And then it came. This Scythe; Seris Vritra, was the one that had killed Uto. And the one that had left me with Uto's horns which aided in the makings of Regis..

She killed a retainer in war, her own ally and also gave me the retainer's horn to get stronger. She must be against the war or better yet, Agrona himself. If that's the case, then her attempt at reaching out to me doesn't seem all so strange.

"I.. Apologize, Grey. I'm sure this will weaken your trust in me but-" "It's fine. It would've been if it's any other scythe but I suppose this will do."

She looked rather surprised.

"So you do have something with Scythe Seris.." She mumbled.

"I heard that."


"Anyways, you still have to tell me if you plan on arranging something like this. I'm sure you're aware of the rumors."

"Of course I do. The other highbloods have been pressing me for an explanation either with curious intentions or disbelief." She replied with a sigh of exhaustion.

After a brief silence, she finally spoke again.

"Either way, I'm still sorry for even telling anyone about a secret you trusted me with.." She apologized with genuine intent.

"I hope this doesn't mean you'll never take me into the relictombs with you anymore." She grinned slightly.

She's still talking about the relictombs? It's like she's some kid obsessed with a playground..


As I walked around my massive estate with no one to accompany me, I suddenly saw light brightening, and also dimming from the corner of my eyes.

A call?

I approached my living room and pressed he surface of the device as a familiar voice rang out of it in excitement.

"Sorry for bothering Scythe Seris, but I've arranged the meeting with Grey!"

Fast, but it wasn't unexpected.

"That's good to hear.”

“He said we should have it on the weekends when there's no class to teach.”

So, tomorrow?

“Very well then. Will you be able to make it to the meeting, Caera?”


She's very... enthusiastic about him.

Grey.. Arthur.. I'm still not sure how he was able to change his appearance so drastically. He surely had his mana core broken at the fight with Nico and Cadell too..

Caera also told me that Arthur could 'wield' aether. From what i know, the only ones capable of using aether are the dragons of the asuran race and the ancient mages that built the relictombs.

Another thing missing is his asuran bond. Sylvie was it? Where is she?

I'll be sure to gouge it out of him once we meet again.

“..Scythe Seris?” Said Caera, snapping me out of my deep thoughts.

“Yes, thank you for your help Caera.”

Despite not being face-to-face, i could practically feel her beaming with joy. I suppose getting a 'thank you' from us Scythes are pretty honourable.

“I'll be closing this conversation now.”

With another touch to the surface of the device, the call stopped.

Now then, i wonder how i should appear to him tomorrow as his so esteemed saviour? I suppose wearing my usual attire is sufficient.

Wheat-blonde hair, sharp features and golden eyes. Is it really just a disguise of his if it sticks out so much, I wonder?



Ay sorry for late chapter , completely forgot about wattpad since i had my notification blocked for this app yo 💯💯

Anyways, what should i do from now on? Any suggestions? I guess i can say that i do have something in mind but.. suggestions are always good.

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