(3) Meeting Again

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I WROTE THIS IN MIDNIGHT SO THE GRAMMAR MIGHT BE BAD, and no , i didn't read this part after i published this part

so I added another power for Y/n and its fire because shes suppose to be like Lyney

this chapter takes place in Sonic Boom ep 1 "The Sidekick"


--Narrator's PoV--

(Y/n) set down a camp tent for a place to rest until she can find a house for rent or for sale

it is currently night time but (Y/n) is still not sleepy, she grabbed her (f/f) in her bag and ate it happily

after (Y/n) ate the food, she decided to take a stroll in the village and so she can familiarize the place

the moon shines brightly as it reflects on her heterochromia(mixed-colored) eyes

after a few minutes of taking a stroll, (Y/n) gets sleepy so she went back in the forest to sleep in her tent

--(Y/n)'s PoV--

I woke up from my sleep, still feeling tired so i forced myself to get up

i walked outside my tent and heard something from the sky, i looked up and i saw a grey biplane crashing down

my eyes widened in shock and i followed the crashing biplane to see if there's a  person in there

it starts to get colder as i get closer to it, 'it seems like this is the snowy part of the island' i said to myself

i finally reached the biplane and i saw it in a frozen lake sinking and i saw a human shaped like an egg on a flying thingy with a robot beside him, and the blue hedgehog i met yesterday and a two tailed yellow fox

i hid myself behind a tree. "Oh, Sonic. I have one last surprise for you. I took your advice. Burnbot can burn things!" The human said and a robot with spikes and claws that looks like a crab, appeared beside him. it suddenly launched a small fireball surrounding the two Mobians and the ice melted below them

the two tailed fox starts to fly by his tails and the blue hedgehog fell into the cold water "I cant swim!" the blue hedgehog said while struggling to float, the fox grabbed his arm and tries to pull him up

i rushed near the fox and grabbed onto the blue hedgehog's left arm and tries to help the fox get him out of the water, the fox was about to talk but changed his mind "You're waterlogged, we can't light you!" The fox said

"Don't worry about me, both of you get out of here" The blue hedgehog said and let go of our arms but we still have hold onto him "That's not how sidekicks do" the fox said

--Narrator's Pov--

the (f/c) (a/t) and the flying yellow fox struggled to lift the blue hedgehog out of the water "lets count to three and lets pull him up at the same time" the (a/t) suggested "alright, on the count to three.. 1.. 2.. 3!" the fox said as the both of them pulled the blue hedgehog out of the cold water

the blue hedgehog got out of the water and the yellow fox grabbed his arms while flying "can you get out of this frozen lake?" the fox asked "yes, don't worry" the (a/t) said as the fox flew out of the frozen lake, and the (a/t) grabbed her cloth and covered herself with it and teleported behind a tree (you used the cloth so they wont see you teleport) 

as the fox and the hedgehog are up in the sky, the hedgehog let go of the fox's arms and spindashed at the robot which made the robot slipped and make a crack under it, falling into the cold water

the hedgehog boosted himself up and grabbed onto the fox's arms again and landed "I'll be back! with a new robot who has an accurate name and super-laser eyes and he'll feed me ham, evil ham!" the human said as he starts to fly away with his flying egg shaped thing

the (a/t) went out of her hiding behind the tree and went up to the hedgehog and the fox "are the both of you alright?" the (a/t) asked them both "Yep we're fine uhh..?" the fox said "Y/n, Y/n the A/t)" "Thanks Y/n for helping me save Sonic" the fox said "no problem, happy to help" "hey uhh, aren't you the one that bumped into me yesterday?" Sonic asked "yep that was me, sorry about that again" "no no no, its fine. are you new to this place? this is the first time i've seen you here" "yeah, i am" "then that means you don't have a place to stay!" the fox jumped in the conversation "ooh i have an idea, you can stay in my shack" "are you sure? i don't wanna be a burden" "its fine, trust me! and i can introduce you to the rest of the team!" "well, if you say so, but i'm going to get my things first in my tent

the (a/t) puts a cloth on her hand and used her spawning abilities and her bag is under the cloth "tadaaa!" the (a/t) wore her backpack and puts the cloth back in her pocket "woah, how'd you do that?" the fox and the hedgehog asked "a magician never reveals her secrets" the (a/t) pulls something in her bag and its her magician top hat "woah, you're a magician?!" "yep, let's get going now, the sun is about to set" "yeah you're right, let's go!"



Some characters might be out of character but atleast its longer than the other past parts, right? anyways, i hope you enjoyed this part! ill be busy in the future and on August 29 2023 because thats school day , okay bye bye reader~ 😘😘

btw i wrote this in the middle of the night


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