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Chaos ran through the palace. Not the usual kind of chaos, because of the tight schedules and the huge lists of tasks to be done in and around the palace. This was the chaos of a disaster that just happened. 

After several miscarriages and lots of pain, the message had gotten around six months ago, the queen is pregnant. The entire nation cheered along with the happiness of the royal couple. Six months passed, those months went with extreme delight to the miracle that was growing inside the queen. Throughout the villages, festivities were planned to welcome the new prince or princess. Inside the palace was an ambiance bursting of happiness. When asked about the upcoming royal, the queen always told the same thing with a grand smile on her face. "It's going wonderful, this baby is already behaving so very graceful, except when it kicks me full on in my back at night". Everyone who heard her say it, couldn't help but smile at her answer. As her pregnancy came to an end, more and more people came towards the town that the royal palace stood in. When the day came crowds had gathered around the castle. The team of midwives and doctors were grand and only the very best were selected to come and help at the birth. With a birth like one out of the books, a princess was born. Everyone was delighted and when announced to the public, they all cheered. After the birth a nurse took the princess to get her washed up. This was the last seen of both of them. Only the blanket in which the princess was wrapped after her birth was left behind in the room. Every other trace and signal of both the nurse and princess was gone. 

Chaos ran through the palace. Not the usual kind of chaos, because of the tight schedules and the huge lists of tasks to be done in and around the palace. This was the chaos of a disaster that just happened. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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