My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

47 10 16

Ok semi vent time

So I just had Chemistry class and we were doing a lab with dry ice (fun!) and it was really cool and stuff, but then it turns out that what we were doing was gonna cause explosions.  Now I LOVE bombs, explosions, nukes, whatever, but you know what DOESN'T love explosions?

My anxiety and autism.

Anyways the second that first group's thingy exploded, I freaked the frickety frackety f*ck out.  And then more groups' stuff started exploding, and as much as I thought it was cool, I was overwhelmed and just couldn't breathe, couldn't calm down.  Thankfully my amazing teacher noticed that I'd distanced myself and was covering my ears, and she let me sit out in the hallway and just chill and draw for like ten minutes.

And while I didn't get to see things blow up, it was nice getting space to just draw and relax with the sound of screams faintly in the background.

I'm not sure where I was going with this.  Maybe this is just a PSA to say that it's okay to step away if you need space.

Sorry, I'm not used to venting ;-;

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