chapter : 5 ( Echoes Of Pain And Secret Affection)

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PROFESSOR DAIN – Okay class, looks like some of you enjoy arriving late. I appreciate the consistency in bad habits.

ZACK – Actually, Professor, we ran into trouble on the way, that's why we're late.

PROFESSOR DAIN – Did I ask for an explanation, Mr. Wayne? The one who's always late? Take your seat and stop wasting my time.

ZACK – (muttering) Damn, she's mad today. Anyway, "shortcake," you were pretty impressive earlier. Didn't know you had that side to you. Thought all you knew was how to bump into people and annoy them. (smiling with smirk)

JAY- Excuse me! what did you jus said?

ZACK- You heard me, Besides if you don't know what that means, then you're so fucking dumb, that you can't even pay attention to anything or more I can say "dumbass"!.

[The second the word "dumbass" slipped out of my mouth, I knew I hit a nerve. I saw it instantly her face changed. Her lips parted, eyes widening in disbelief, then narrowing with so much fire it felt like she could kill me on the spot with just a glare. It was like watching a storm gather right in front of me, all that fury bottled up behind her eyes.

I waited, expecting her to snap back, to lash out with something just as cutting. But instead, she went quiet—deadly quiet. Her gaze shifted away, jaw tight, as if forcing herself to not say a single word. She turned to face the front, clearly pissed off, radiating anger like heatwaves, and just... started ignoring me.]

ZACK- Hey you looking so pissed, now your feisty mouth got nothing to say, huh?

JAY- (Ignoring his words)

ZACK- Now cat got your tongue seriously? maybe you're not jus only dumbass, maybe you're fucking pathetic too.

JAY- (still ignoring)

ZACK- Seriously? You're not gonna say anything? [mockingly] Ohhh, I see, you're going bananas, huh? You're acting like I don't exist. Maybe you're so much offended by my words, but I wanna say that, what all I said was all true.

JAY– (briefly glances at him, but says nothing)

ZACK – Fuck you, Jay! Are you testing my patience or what? 'Cause if you are, then let me clear one thing, that I'm so fucking bad in it, so don't try to test it . You think you're smart? You're just... a moron, pissing me off every second. You know what? Keep it up and you'll see the worst side of me.

PROFESSOR DAIN – Zack! Enough! You're disrupting the class. I don't know what's going on between you two, but I suggest you settle it somewhere else.

ZACK- No Professor Dain, Jay is clearly being annoying here and making me to disturb the class.

JAY- *Seriously*?

LEO- (murmuring) what the fuck jus happened now?!

AARON- He's looking so frustrated and mad, (looking into Leo) I hope that, it won't go south.

PROFESSOR DAIN- I haven't heard a word from Jay, so how could she be provoking you?

ZACK – Provoking? She's been driving me up the wall with her silence!

PROFESSOR DAIN – Silence? Zack, you're making things worse and disturbing the whole class. Jay hasn't said a word. Own it, it's not her fault and sit down, it's not a big deal, grow up man.! Ugh.

ZACK- Fine Mrs Dain. 

PROFESSOR DAIN- (with attitude) Thank you Mr Wayne. (eyes roll).

AVA- (enjoying every single moment of their argument) Incredibile! That's all what I need, that bitch should stay away from my baby, he's all mine, what she think what she is, she haven't seen my baby's anger, he can jus break her only with his words, she's full of shit.

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