4. New beginning

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Unknown place

Wei ying was in corner sleeping peacefully then suddenly someone come, wei ying lift his eyes to see a teenager beautiful looking girl, she has the big blue eyes , she was wearing a blue dress , her skin colour resembles the gold in molten form, Her beauty wasn't comparable to the 10000 of full moons she had a very strong spiritual aura around her. Wei ying never saw anyone more beautiful then her an Unknown beautiful feeling of surrender and unity started surrounding him he felt very happy, very cheerfull it was as there won't be any sadness now he felt motherly comfort from her. Wei ying chuckled " not even my family comfort me like this including shijie and but only presence of this 16 year old looking girl  is very comfortable . this feeling is so beautiful that I felt like crying."  Wei ying thought this.

" girl , who are you? and why are you here?"  Wei ying voiced his thoughts.

" well I will be what you want."  She said while smiling brightly, her smile was more beautiful , more brightening then 100000 of suns.
" what do you mean?"  Wei ying asked as he was confused.

" wei ying ,my kid"  she chuckled while seeing confused face of Wei wuxian as she called him kid.

" I know you feel motherly comfort from me so I am mother to you , I am here to remind you something ." She said

" what?"  Wei ying said and smiled

" wei ying it's time for your rebirth"   As soon as she said this wei ying smile faded he became sad , he was thinking he was cruel, killed so many people due rubbish reasons when he died. He is a killer, world's enemy he doesn't deserve rebirth but fire of hell. The girl smiled when she read wei ying's thought.
"my dear, you didn't do anything without the permission of Supreme God. you don't have to grieve about those people. Human body is temporary it is destined to die what never die is soul , just like human being changes their clothes everyday soul change their body from one body to another. They never took birth , they never died, the human you killed aren't actually dead because they change their body. Moreover you tried to be righteous at every situation also it is not possible to be always correct you are just a ordinary soul but your good heart makes you pure and special. My child don't be sad for their death, don't consider yourself as a killer, consider yourself protector of your family,weak, old and young people. You were a cultivator and you had people to protect escaping from killing isn't possible for you but if you didn't kill people who tried to harm innocent people then you were wrong, if you didn't defend yourself from people who tried to harm you then you are wrong and sometimes defending yourself includes killing. So don't be remorseful there is still someone who is eagerly waiting for you . Take a rebirth my child."  She said while trying to make wei ying aware of truth.
Hearing this wei ying feels better and his heart was convinced he agree to take a rebirth.
"Thank you the divine mother your speech made my heart free from pain. Also after everything who is still waiting for me"

" hahahah your soulmate my dear"   she laughed a bit

" who?"  Wei ying asked surprised

"  A beautiful jade with cloud pattern clothes."   As she said this wei ying's face turn into a tomato.


It was a beautiful morning , a jade looking man was sleeping he was wearing a full sleeves white shirt and a black half pants everything was peaceful until a voice echoed through his mansion.
" wangji you are late for your university , get up fast." Lan xichen shouted.
Lan wangji woke up unwillingly he grabbed his phone saw time and jerked up.
" shit shit shit shit I am late again."  he quickly took a shower grabbed a apple and a bottle of juice , run toward his car and started driving.

When he reached university he met his friends , After his first class he was running in corridor he walked toward basketball ball court and suddenly thought of mischief he quickly spotted his bestfriends snacks and sprinkle a lot of spices in it mixed them well.
He very well knew his bestfriend can't tolerate spices then he hide , he saw his bestfriend eating those snacks and without thinking anything he quickly ran so that his best friend can't catch him .
He was hiding in a closet then he heard a beautiful voice of girl . Out of curiosity he peeked out and saw a girl wearing blue jeans with white baggy top, her hair was tied in ponytail . He felt speechless seeing the beauty infront of him . He saw her silver eyes and felt like he lost himself.
" wei ying ,professor is calling you."  Her friend called her.

Lan wangji couldn't help but repeat name again and again in his name . A thought invaded his mind " wei ying but lan ying suits her better."  He smiled at his thoughts


Sorry for a short chapter and also sorry for late update I had exams.

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