Part 5

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The fortune teller had given her special instructions should she encounter certain people.

"Lan Gongzi," she murmured. "Do you have a few moments to talk?"

"Of course, Jiang Guniang."

"You have an outer disciple, I believe, going by the name Su MinShan? My source asked me to tell you to not trust him." Lan XiChen seemed to look thoughtful, but did not interrupt. "She said that... my apologies, this is confusing to me."

"Take your time. Please."

She settled her thoughts. "If we all remain on the original course.... When Cloud Recesses is attacked the first time.... You will leave with as many of the library books as you can save. Your father will be seriously injured and will die of these injuries. Your uncle will also be seriously injured, but he will live. Lan Er Gongzi will be captured by the Wen because he will think that his capture will save your people. The one who betrays him is Su MinShan. He will be ejected from the sect for this betrayal, but not executed. He starts a new clan, backed by the LanlingJin, that emulates the GusuLan. When the war is over, and the allies have won, in the ensuing peace, Su MinShan will again betray those who trust him."

Lan XiChen's face hardened. "He has aspirations to be seen as a reflection of, or a mirror to, WangJi. It is merely a poor reflection, however. He has neither the skills nor the grace needed."

"He has plenty of ambition. He will cause your brother years of grief and pain with the second betrayal. The second betrayal will cause the deaths of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people. Sanctioned by someone high in the Jin sect."

"Who?" demanded the first jade. "Who would want to hurt my brother like that?"

"A man who will go by the name of Jin GuangYao. A man the QingheNie now know as Meng Yao. And it is not that either of those men actively want to hurt Lan WangJi. It is that they want something, and his pain is merely a byproduct of their wants."

"You can rest assured, Jiang Guniang, I will not allow that to pass." Lan XiChen bowed curtly. "You have my word."

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