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   Duff presses his lips to my clit then licks me. "Oh Duff.." I whine. He pushes a finger into me slowly while he sucks my clit perfectly. I bring my hands down to his hair and run my fingers through it. Duff hums, sending vibrations to my clit making me feel good.(he's the one you call Dr feel-good) "Duff!" I gasp while squeezing my thighs around his head.
I feel a knot tightening in my stomach. I moan, but my voice cracks. So, Is Duff speeds his fingers up. The knot is so tight now, I feel as if I could explode. "Oh Duff!" I moan loudly as the knot releases quickly, making me pant and shake softly. Duff cleans up the 'mess' I've made and comes back up to me. "Y/n your so beautiful" he tells me then, kissing me.

   I taste myself on his tongue. "Thank you" I say pulling away. I pull my panties on then flip Duff onto his back "oh, wait I gotta go do something I'll be back" I say getting off Duff's hips. He looks at me confused "okay?" He says quietly. I get out of the bunk in only my bra and panties. The guys whistle at me and I walk over to Izzy. I get on my knees in front of him "hey Iz can you do me a favor?" I ask quietly. "Yeah what is it?" He asks in the same voice level as me. "Do you have a VHS video camera?" I ask politely. "It costed a shit ton. But yes I do" he sighs. "May I borrow it? And an empty tape?" I ask giving him puppy eyes. "Y/n.." A groan come from the bunks direction.

    "Hold on Duffy" I shout. "Hurry please?" I ask Izzy who's now digging through a bag. I then feel a hand on my ass my head flips around to see Axl with a shit eating smirk on his face. "Hey!" I smack Axl's face hard before I thought about it. "Oh shit I'm sorry!" I apologize holding Axl's face in my hand. He looks at me in shock and Izzy laughs then hands me the bulky video camera. "Thanks..." I say then looking back at Axl who is smirking while still shocked "that was hot" He says walking away. "What the hell?" Izzy asks. I shrug then finally go back to my mans. I find a bandana and wrap it around Duffs eyes like a blind fold. He nods "I like that" Duff says smirking. "Oh my god" I laugh.

    I find a nice place for the camera and hit record. I kiss Duffs neck and chest, leaving hickies every few inches. "Y/n.." Duff moans and I smirk, knowing I will forever have that on tape. "Do something" he groans softly "what's the magic word?" I whisper looking over to the camera "please?" He begs. I shrug my shoulders then sit on his thighs and unbutton his pants. (This little part is awkward so I'll skip it) I kiss his tip then pump my hand up and down slowly gradually building speed. "Y/n" Duff moans and brings his hands to my waist but he can nearly reach. I move myself so I sit on his stomach with my back facing him. I pump my hand quickly as I kiss Duff's tip. Duff slides his hands to my waist.

     "I'm so close" He moans quietly (is this cringey??) "No not untill I say so" I whisper and he moans. "Please y/n can I-" I interrupt him "no not yet" I tell him and he whines. I speed my hand up. "Y/n please I cant- I'm gonna- oh!" Duff gasps twitching and releasing all over my hand and himself. "Oh my god, holy shit" Duff moans panting loudly. I stop the recording and turn off the camera with one hand. Then, I take the camera and go to wash my hands. I dry my hands then go to sit next to Izzy. "Oh my god, you recorded that?" Izzy asks a little loud "um yeah" I say with pink cheeks while looking for Duff. I take the VHS out and hand the camera back to Izzy. "Did you get cum on it? I heard it over there, it was aggressive" He tells the last part to the guys.

   "No we didn't get cum on it, and if we did I'll give you fifteen dollars." I tell him Izzy raises his eyebrows then looked at the camera. "I don't know if I should be happy or sad there's no cum on my camera" Izzy says "I think that's the weirdest thing I've ever heard you say other than 'oh so that's why you didn't take your skirt off' " I quote laughing "when the hell did he say that?" Duff asks stumbling out of the bunk. "Remember when I took those pictures for you, that when he said that" explain through giggles. "Okay. Why is Izzy's camera out?" Duff asks another question "oh shit I just realized I'm almost naked hold on" I say a little loud and I leave to put on Duff's T shirt.

Shake Me (Duff Mckagan) 14 Chapters.Where stories live. Discover now