1,2. The Wild Brunch

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I rubbed my eyes and walked down the stairs as I heard familiar voices. I thought i was imagining it but then they smiled at me and forced one on my face. I hated Blair's minions. The truth remained that at the beginning they would worship me too, just in case for them to be recognised quicker in blair's eyes but then after their first initiation (sounds like a cult but for blair it's quite serious), they forgout i existed. KAtie and Iz were the only minion from Blair's clique that acknowledged my presence, which made sense since they had known Blair the longest.

"What did Serena do?" I asked as Blair rolled her eyes. I stepped forward and took a grape from Katie's plate.

"We would never do that to you Blair" Iz gushed.

"I wonder if Nate remembered brunch." Blair beamed, changing the subject. "It would be so wrong for me to show up without my boyfriend whom I love."

"Great" I murmured and walked off towards the kitchen for some proper breakfast.


I finished my breakfast whilst going over my notes for my upcoming classes so I could be prepared when I heard some distant arguing voices. Blair's voice, i easily recognised.

I walked out of the kitchen and saw Serena with coffee and breakfast in her hand.

"Well I have new traditions"

I folded my arms and leaned against the wall. I watched Serena attempt to make an effort at rekindling her friendship with Blair, who snarkily pushed it away.

"Miss Elizabeth" I turned and saw Dorota.


"Ms Waldorf is on the line."

I startled in surprise, grabbing the phone and pacing towards the kitchen, leaving their conversation. "Mother." I greeted. "Please, I don't have to go brunch. You're not even going to be there."

"Precisely why you must be there, in support, for Blair." she replied.

"But mother, she has her friends."

"You and I both know they're not her friends." she emphasised.

"Fine." I sighed. "Do you want me to give the phone to Blair?"

"No, it's fine. I'll talk to her some other time." Before I could respond she had ended the call.

I placed the phone down and turned my head to see Blair standing on the first stair of the stairwell, looking down at Serena, with a smirk.

"Blair please." she pleaded.

"Just stay away!" Blair scoffed and walked up the stairs. Serena turned and saw me, her lips trembling and her eyes watering.

"Serena i-" I started to walk towards her but she shook her head and immediately left. I ran to the lift and pressed the button but she was gone.

I ran up to ask Blair and she shrugged it off. "Come on, let's get ready for brunch."

We heard the lift bell ring and I ran down, blair pushed me so she could be there first. From the top I recognised the blonde hair and hoped it would be Serena but she looked up at us and smiled.

"Hi Jenny," Blair smiled.


I ignored her, she was probably here to find some information on chuck after the kiss on the lips party. I left blair and jenny and went to my room. I opened my laptop to check the updates from last night on gossip girl. Serena and her potential new boyfriend. Lonely boy. What a nickname.

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