Essence of Bushido

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*pant* *pant* "Why."

The rain poured heavily upon Valk as he clutched the swords to his chest.


The sounds of footsteps quickly gaining on him were loud and evident, and the scrolls he had in his pouch did nothing but slow him down.

"I need to escape."

The rain poured even harder, making the marsh wet, and his footprints indent the ground, making it easy to track him.

His attempts at covering them up were fruitless, and he was too untrained to know of any techniques which allowed him to run without footsteps.


The current age was an age of warring tribes, where Bushido was no longer respected. He watched as his father was cut down mid way through a fight, by an unfair attack to the back.

"Those bastards from the Piercing Fang. I'll kill them. I'LL KILL THEM ALL!"

He leaped from his hiding spot, but came to his senses, and realised he wouldn't win. But it was too late, he was spotted. His small blunder landed him a life of being chased down, and now, he might die without being able to fulfill his goals.

He stumbled upon a cave, the light he had seen earlier was a piece of glowstone, and he ran as deep as possible within. In there, he used the hilt of the swords to make a circle, before kneeling in the middle, and praying.

"All powerful storm God Raijin, I beg of you, end this rainstorm, and allow me to make it to the next town safely. All powerful Sun God Amaterasu, illuminate the sky so that my tracks harden over, and my path cannot be followed."

He then got up, before throwing a piece of tree bark in the circle, and running as fast as he could.

"I hope this works..."

His heart pounded in his chest, as the sounds of thunder and lightning began to slowly recede, and the heat of the Sun began to glower upon his back.


But he wasn't out of the woods yet. He was in the forest with nowhere to go, and not knowing where the next town was. Hungry, tired and on the run. He was a dead man walking.

"So close. I can smell it."

The effect of having avoided food for the past 3 days in an attempt to escape had payed its toll, and he was this close to dying, his hallucinations a clear sign of it.

"A delicious steak, a rich feast, its right th-"

That was all he could muster before he fell into the dirt, unconscious.

"Wake up."


He was awoken by the smell of ambrosia, wafting into his nose. He looked up to see the disgusted face of a woman.

"Where am I?"

"You mean thanks. Right?"

He looked at himself to see his wounds bandaged and dressed, his clothes changed, and completely clean.

"I found you, so I had to take responsibility and clean you up. You better pay up for my services."

He suddenly went bright red, and was about to run away before she suddenly pinned him to the bed and said

"I was joking. Now come, we have your stuff."

Valk wasn't sure where he was at, the food he ate when he woke up was nothing like home. The running he did must've brought him far away.

"So, what's your name kid?"


"No, the ghost hovering beside you. Yes you."

"It's Valk."

"No 2nd name?"

He was completely silent, so she stopped pressing the matter.

"How about you?"

"It's Juuzou."

"Nice name, now show me where my stuff is."

"Right this way."

Upon seeing his items, he rushed towards it, but was instantly stopped by an outstretched blade.

"Now, why do you have this?"

The aggressor held up two swords, each nearly about to fly out their sheathes.

"Did you want to harm us?"

"NO! They're mine, I don't have to explain myself, so just leave me alone!"

Valk lunged for the bag again, just to be kicked in the ribs by his aggressor, a tall old man, with a glare of pure hatred.

"Explain or die."

"I guess I'm not explaining then."

The old man took a firm jujitsu stance, preparing to end it with a grapple. Valk however took an extremely unorthodox stance, with his hands in a claw like fashion.

"I said. Give me my bag."

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